Saturday, September 23, 2017

2017 - Day 266/99 - Saturday...

Joe Mac helped me (okay I did nothing, Joe Mac did it all, but I was able to point at things) fix something on the tractor that I was totally incapable of doing. I knew what needed to be done, and I am generally good for brute strength things, but I could not get the fuc*ing nut off the bold on one of the battery terminals on the riding mower. It was the bane of my day when I would need to fiddle around with the battery cables just to get the mower started. BUT, that is all a thing of the past. While we were out there, this praying mantis was making itself comfortable on the seat of the mower, and it was in the least bit camera shy. We came back a couple hours later, and he was still there. Don't tell the chickens. I had to go into Austin this morning. I had a two-part appointment with one client and another appointment with another client. I was in town longer than I expected to be, but it all worked out. Once I got home, we all went into Georgetown; fed the mule boys, had lunch, made a stop at tractor supply. Then home. A couple more chores for tomorrow, and it is about time to call it a day! Deeds, Actions, Changes, MANTI, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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