Saturday, June 11, 2016

2016 - Day 163/203 - Saturday...

Twenty five or twenty six years ago, before Jody and I officially became official, he went with me and my friend Kirk to McGuire's Clocks on Airport Boulevard, where I purchased this mantel clock. I have always been fond of clocks (obsessive comes to mind), and there was some occasion that I was feeling particularly flush, and decided to celebrate with a gift for myself. We all this time later, the clock was getting more and more colicky, so I took it back to where I bought it (yes, same place) and had it cleaned and serviced. I also need to admit, the clock has held up over all those years much better than I have. It is back on the mantel where it belongs, and all is well that ends well.

It is close to being time to start complaining about the heat and humidity. Some of the local atmospheric prognosticators have already begun, but I still think it is a little bit early. It is/was on the warm side today, last I checked it was about 93 degrees and moist. I chose to mainly do as little as I could, and that worked out really well for me.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOCKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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