Friday, June 23, 2017

2017 - Day 174/191 - Friday...

I taught a quick class at the Board this morning, and what better way to creep people out than by 'giving them a hand' for their participation in the class. Fun? Creepy? Yes to both. I thought of Cass when I took this photo, and just so you will know, I have plenty more where these came from. Overall, it was a good class, in-and-out, nobody got hurt. That I know of. Yesterday was (allegedly) the longest day of the year, and today (so far) has been the hottest day of the year. My car registered 108 degrees, our very high-tech weather station at the house said the humidity factor made it feel like it was 118 degrees, and on the news it was reported (at last count) that the high temperature for the day was 103. And it is not a 'dry heat' either. It is hot like hell outside, and I am going to stay in until the sun goes down. I believe I will boycott grass cutting tomorrow (that makes two weeks in a row) but if we don't get rain, we don't need to cut the grass. I went a whole summer a couple years ago and only cut the grass two or three times. I don't think that will be the case this year, but we will see how the whole thing plays out. I think there is about a 40% chance that we will have some rain over the weekend, and I hope we do get some...we shall see. Deeds, Actions, Changes, LITTLE HANDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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