Tuesday, June 25, 2019

2019 - Day 176/189 - Tuesday...Breadbasket...

...and it's only Tuesday. We had a little more rain overnight, but the dogs slept through it with no issues. It started out kind of cloudy today, but it has turned out to be a pretty day. Unseasonably cool for almost July, but we have the recent rains to thank for that. My car said it was 79 degrees when I was on my way home this afternoon. We only got a teensy bit of rain on the Edge of Nowhere, but there was rain all around, as is evidenced by the picture attached to this journal entry. Today was basically a day spent in the office, except for the parts where I went to a directors meeting, during which time I participated on a conference call with another committee, and then went to a TREPAC function on the way home. I love what I do, I hope it shows!

Breadbasket -- Noun. 1. slang: stomach. 2. a major cereal-producing region. Richard grew up right in the middle of the Midwestern breadbasket, so many of his family members got their first jobs in cereal mills.

Did You Know? Breadbasket has been used as slang in English since at least the mid-1700s. (It has been used even longer to mean literally a basket for holding bread.) It can refer to the stomach as an actual digestive organ ("his breadbasket rumbled with hunger"), but these days it's more commonly applied to the general stomach area ("rested her hands on her breadbasket"). No one is quite sure of the exact origins of the use, but it's likely that there's some connection between the basket used to hold bread and the "basket" where the bread ends us after a person eats it. Breadbasket has also come to refer to an area that supplies an important amount of grain ("the breadbasket of the country").

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