Sunday, October 27, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 301/65, 2024 - Sunday

Mike and I did all sorts of things today, but I am getting forgetful about taking photos to post on these journal entries. We started with a nice walk with Paul and Richard, and then we went down for naps. We were going to have brunch, but the plans changed, and we had breakfast instead. We went to monument cafe about 9:30, had a nice breakfast, and then we hit two estate sales. While we were waiting on oour table, I saw one of the young ladies that played at the House Concert in September, and we had a nice chat. Much fun! I found things I could not live without at both of them (I think), and then we headed back home, and went back down for naps. Paulina and Val came over about 3 o'clock, and we went in to Walburg for dinner at the german restaurant, and after that we went over to Jimmie and Linda's for three games of Rummikub. Now, we are back home, and getting ready for tomorrow. I have a closing at 10, then Mike goes to the airport, so I think I may only do a half-walk. I think I need to leave the  house at about 8:30 to get to my 10 o'clock, but everything will work out just fine. It has been one hell of a few days with Mike, and it is always fun when we get to visit each other. I am probably the luckiest man in the world to have as many really great friends as I have. The photo here is of the violinist and the cellist from last night. The group was great, and if you missed it, I'm sorry.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 300/66, 2024 - Saturday

There is plenty more for me to tell about our trip to San Antonio and the Billy Joel/Sting concert, but I am tired and it has been a really interesting 24 to 36 hours. Tomorrow or Monday I will go into further comments about San Antonio, but until then, let's talk about today. I did not walk this morning, since I was not here, but I got in lots of walking yesterday, so I don't feel like I sloughed off anything. We left San Antonio this morning at 9AM, tried to go past the Alamo, but there is too much construction to get a view of it for Mike. Then we headed north and made the obligatory stop at Bucee's. Mike had never been to a  Bucee's, so it was an entertaining stop. We had bacon, egg and cheese tacos, and I got a cup of coffee, so I was set to keep driving towards the Curious House. I think if you put a video camera outside the door to Bucee's and got 12 hours of video of the people coming and going, it could have the potential of becoming the number one television show in China. There is probably no better representation of everyday Americans than that. Whatever. We got home, and immediately went down for a nap, and went in to Georgetown for dinner. We ate at a place called Willie's, which I had never been to, and it has been there for at least 6 years, just never stopped. We both had a nice salad, and then we made a stop at Galaxy  Bakery, and got scones for tomorrow. Maybe. And, tonight was House Concert night, and it was really a good evening. Three string students from Southwesters, violin, viola and cello. It was excellent, and I think everyone enjoyed it. Lots of great comments, and lots of fun. NOW, it is time to call it a day, and there will be more tomorrow. I promise.

Volume 16 - Day 299/67, 2024 - Friday

Well, it's actually Saturday as I am composing this entry, but day 299 was a good one. Started with a walk with Paul and Richard (he and Margie returned from Chicago on Thursday), and that was great. Shortly after that, we headed to San Antonio, via Gruene (for lunch), and then 19 of some of my very favorite people met up and we went to the Billy Joel/Sting concert. An excellent concert, that lasted over three hours. We had a pre-concert get together (thank you Eileen), and now the post-concert party is happening. I think I heard Ben just get back with tacos, and things are going to be quieting down while everyone is eating. I will talk about the concert more in tomorrows journal.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 298/68, 2024 - Thursday

Okay, today was a busy and interesting day. As usual, Paul and I had a nice walk, and we were joined by James and Mike. Good times. I headed in to the office, and got there about 10 o'clock. We are close to the end of the month, so there is always a lot of tiny pieces to pay attention to, and it is Thursday, so we had lunch from Sandy's, cheeseburger specials. I left the office about 1:30-ish and got home about 2:30-ish. My friend Vanessa was at a meeting in Round Rock, and she is spending the night here at the Curious House, and we are waiting on Phillip to arrive. His flight was delayed from Lubbock. At 5ive o'clock, the three of us went down to Linda and Jimmie's, we played one game of Rummikub, and then we headed to Taylor for catfish. YUM-EEE-GOOD. Dick and Margie got home from Chicago, good snow-birds that they are, and I saw Dick when I got home, gave him a big hug! I am pretty sure they are tired, and I will take a few months of mail to them tomorrow morning. It will be the first walk with Dick in several months, and we are looking forward to it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 297/69, 2024 - Wednesday

I picked Mike up from the airport this afternoon abut 2:30, and we headed to the Curious House. We had dinner (BBQ) at Johnny Vega's in Georgetown and then headed back. I am kind of nap deprived, but I survived. Jimmie and Linda picked us up and we went and had ice cream, and then we played a game of Rummikub. I have no idea how they came up with that game, but it is fun and easy to play, especially if you play like we do, and don't keep score. Mike and I then headed back to the Curious House, and we watched the programs we always watch on tv, we were just in the same room instead of texting each other about the programs. Paul and I had our morning walk, and I did all my usual morning things after that. Fake fall is over with and we are back to early summer. There is a 10% chance of rain in the next week to ten days, so that is like no real chance at all. I have to go in to the office tomorrow for a meeting or two, and then back home, and we are planning to go in to Taylor (Lucky Duck) for catfish. It is going to be a fun weekend visiting with friends and have a blast. On the way home from Georgetown, there was a wreck (or two) and firetrucks spread out here and there, but it cut down the traffic heading west, and that was a good thing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 296/70, 2024 - Tuesday

I have only been out of the house for our morning walk with Paul, and three or four times to take the girls out in the backyard. I will go out in a little while to check the mail. I did not go in to the office today, which was great, mainly because of traffic. An 18-wheeler rolled over and closed one of the roads in both directions for miles. AND...six railway cars carrying gravel decided it would be a good place to come off the tracks and lay on their sides. From all reports, traffic was award winning! But, I had already planned on staying at home today, taking another CE class from 9 until 4. It is hard for me to sit in one (or more) place for that long. We had an hour for lunch, and I actually took a nap, but now that particular CE need is finished for three years. I have a couple photos I can use for this journal entry, one is a screen shot of the class today, and the other is the one gracing above, a little bird taking advantage of the water I keep for them off the back deck. I am looking at my computer screen as I write this, and I have a series of sticky notes stuck to it, at least a few with cryptic coded messages that I have no idea their purpose. I'm kind of afraid to remove them, I may remember what they are at sometime, and by then I will have forgotten what happened to them. Life. 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 295/71, 2024 - Monday

Early voting started in Texas today, and I had intended to go early this morning to vote. I didn't make it. I got in to the office, had a couple meetings, visited a property, and then headed to Williamson County to vote. I got there about 2 o'clock, there were probably 50 people in line ahead of me (outside the building and winding their way down two long hallways inside), and there was no place to park. From the time I got there, it took me about 55 minutes until I was leaving the place, but that is done. I was going to stop for a pizza on the way home, but I apparently don't know where Domino's is on Williams Drive (I know it is there somewhere), and I didn't want to turn around and go back. I had a pimento cheese flip for dinner, and I have been craving soup, so I also had some soup. I have really been craving the saltine crackers more than the soup, but I think it is stupid to have a dinner made up of crackers only.  It was back up into the mid-80s today, but the house cools down enough overnight with the windows open, that I still don't have the AC turned on. I think it will be on Wednesday, we will be up into the 90s again. I think there is a new television in my future. The tv in my bedroom suddenly had a black streak in the middle...about 30% of the picture is black, maybe dark grey. Ugh. But, tvs are kind of cheap I think, heading into the Christmas season. I wonder how big of one I can get?