Saturday, March 3, 2012

2012 - Day 063/303 - Saturday...

Usually I can sleep in on the weekends, til like 6 o'clock. But today, I had an 8 o'clock appointment, and it was 35 miles away from the house, which means I wanted to leave at 7 o'clock, to get there early. So, I got up at the normal time, by default. I got some work done, busy naggy things that I needed to get done, and took off. Driving down IH-35 there were some nice clouds in from of the sun coming up, so I took a couple shots. I like clouds...

After my appointment, I stopped by Chris's house to see how he was doing. It was nice to meet his mother, and to see his dad again. Chris is recuperating nicely, and it was great to see him. I haven't been able to give him a hard time in a while, so there was no reason to pass up that chance. Thanks again to Chris and Ruby for all your help last week with the Women's Council of REALTORS Celebrity Waiter Dinner...or something like that.

Once I got home, I threatened the weeds around the house with the lawn tractor. I drove the lawn tractor over the weeds several times, and the weeds and the lawn tractor both survived the ordeal. I do not know if that makes it a win/win situation or a lose/lose situation. Not sure. Regardless, if you are out in the front year it looks like a VanGogh painting. Lots of thick layers of paint with lots of texture and thick slabs of green and yellow. If you are standing on the porch, it looks much better; and especially if you squint, it looks more like a Monet, kind of pretty and pastel. Whatever...

We did make it into Georgetown where the Blizzard of the Month is Mint-Oreo, so that was what Jody had, and I had my usual Oreo-Cookie Blizzard.

We then headed to Home Depot to buy a light switch to replace the failing one in the laundry room. When did light switches become so difficult? That is code for saying I have to take the light switch back tomorrow and buy another one. Crap-O-Rama.

We got eight eggs from the girls today, and if we keep getting that volume of eggs, we will need to buy another refrigerator for the house. Who would have ever thought that three refrigerators for one house would be inadequate?

Tomorrow I am going to feed the cattle, and try again at destroying some of the weeds around the house. I am thinking kerosene. Any ideas?

Deeds, Actions, Changes, WEEDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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