Monday, December 9, 2013

2013 - Day 343/22 - Monday...

Good things still happen as a result of the Installation that was held on last Saturday night.  My friend Steve (a hero to many) picked up the Christmas Trees that were used at the entrance to the tent (you should have been there) and took them for re-gifting (sort of).  ANYWAY, one of the trees made its' way to the Austin Resource Center for the Homeless (see the photo) and the other is now happily brightening the lives of economically disadvantaged single mom in East Austin.  Hopefully, when they reach the end of this incarnation, they will be further re-gifted and taken to the mulching site in Zilker Park after the Holidays and have another benefit to someone.  Good job from my great and totally unselfish friend Steve!

It was interesting to be able to work today without many distractions.  It was certainly a change of pace.  I got up at about 4:30 this morning and did my usual things.  My friend Mike (who was visiting from Florida for the coronation) got up a little while later, and I think we were on the road by about 6:15 (not sure).  His flight back to Orlando was leaving at 8:40, so we got him there in plenty of time.  Unfortunately he came down with a pretty bad cold while he was here (I think he brought it with him) and I am certain that everyone on the plane (not just those in close proximity to him) were delighted with his presence!  I got a voice-mail message from him that he arrived home safely and was going to bed!  No need to call him back, rest comfortably and I hope you feel better soon.

I was at the office until about 1:15 and then headed out to a couple of appointments, and ran some errands and then headed home.  It is still relatively miserable outside, weather wise.  Cold, drizzly, cloudy...just the kind of weather that makes Melody all perky but makes me and Bruce all grumpy.

Tomorrow will be a better day yet!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, ACHOO, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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