All I can say is, you guys must all be living right. I had a plethora of photos to offer for this journal entry; first was the traffic jam (again) on Cesar Chavez. There was also a photo of a 'puffy-panted' waiter, you know, kind of like the Seinfeld Puffy-Shirt episode, except the puffiness was in the pants. Get your mind out of the gutter people! He was (I hope) a waiter at Fogo de Chao, the Brazilian Steak House downtown. Either that of HE WAS THE CAUSE of the traffic jam on Cesar Chavez. Then there was the photo of the ducks on the sometimes pond behind the house. Actually there was no photo of the ducks on the pond, because when I went out there to that the picture, they all decided to fly off. BUT I do have a couple nice photos of duck in flight from the sometimes pond out in back of the house. Finally, after having scared off all the ducks, Barney the cat decided she would pose for a quick photo without running off. NOTE TO JOHN AND SHARON: That is what animal talking can accomplish. I talked with her and she was happy as a clam to stay put.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ANIMAL TALKING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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