R.I.P. SL MR SPECKLED RANGER, aka Mr. Speckles, April 1, 2006 - February 14, 2015.

If you had asked me what unusual thing I would be doing today, I would have never in a million years replied that I (along with Miguel's help) would be hooking a chain up to Mr. Speckles head and dragging him out of the new tank in the back pasture. As best as I can tell, he was not sick. I think he just got stuck in the tank and drowned. There is nothing glorious or worthy of ceremony to drag a 1,600 pound bull out of a stock tank, and then undo that and wrap the chain around his neck and drag him to the furthest corner of the property to wait for the coyotes and the vultures and the rest of the wildlife around here to do their jobs. I did try to treat him with as much respect as I could, but it is not really that respectful when you have to do what has to be done.
He was a magnificent animal, and he kept the girls back there happy an he was great at his job. Even though he had become somewhat of a challenge (he learned how to jump fences) and I was working towards him going on to a more accommodating place, he will be missed.
That is just what happens out here on the edge of nowhere.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MR. SPECKLES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
We are so sorry to hear the sad news. Sometimes it's tough to do what needs to be done. He was quite the celebrity.