Friday, February 28, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 59/306, 2025 - Friday

Not only is today Friday, it is also the last day of February. Already. I'm still having a great time visiting with Mike and Norma. This morning, Mike had an errand to run at City Hall, so I tagged along with it. After that, we went back to the house and collected Norma and headed off to brunch at a restaurant called the Dune Deck in Lantana. Ocean front, very nice, great views, the water goes on and on. Kind of like the land in Texas. Miles and miles of miles and miles. When we finished brunch, one of the tires on Mike's truck was low, so he stopped for air, and tomorrow he will have two new back tires. The rest of the afternoon was spent napping and watching media disasters. Needless to say, it DID NOT make for great television, and that is enough said about that. Mike and Norma have a 'team cooking' technique down to a science while in the kitchen. Last night was chicken, squash, green beans and salad. Tonight was salad, spaghetti and meat sauce. Good home cooking! Tomorrow, after the tires, I think we are going on a field trip to a Safari Park. I might have been to one once, but it should be fun! I'll let you know. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 58/307, 2025 - Thursday

Everybody, meet Norma! Norma, meet everybody! Everybody already knows Mike, and y'all know he has a couple sisters (twin sisters), and here is proof that one of the sisters exists. Norma and Mike live together in Delray Beach, where I will be ensconced until Sunday morning. So far today, we have done a whole lot of nothing, which is my general modus operandi. It is just kind of like being at home, only sharing the day with Mike and Norma. I did make a business phone call this morning, and that was about a 20 minute call, but that is about the most productive I have been. We did eat and nap, and Mike and I drove around the neighborhood looking at houses, and drove over for a quick look at the Atlantic. They actually cook here, which is something I am not used to, but it ws delicious, no telling what they might cook tomorrow. I think on Saturday we may go to the Lion Country Safari. I am planning on kidnapping something exotic and putting it in my checked baggage when I return on Sunday. I'm thinking pygmy hippo, but I will know better when I see what's available. Just another day of calm, and it's perfect. I didn't mention this yesterday, but the ride down her on the train was really peaceful and calming. The train just ambled along, not seeming to be in any kind of hurry, and that was great. I really want to try more train transports. I know we are doing some train stuff in June when we are in Europe. That will be fun.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 57/308, 2025 - Wednesday

The conference ended yesterday, so today was a good day for a slow start. Once I was out of the bed, I checked out of the hotel at about 10:30, and called an Uber to take me to the Amtrak Station. My train was supposed to leave for points south (specifically Delray Beach) at about 1:15, but since it has been a decade or two since I have been on a train, I wanted to give myself plenty of time. It was interesting, and I spent a lot of time just watching people. The train was about 45 minutes late, and when I boarded I was shown to my 'roomette.'  It was about a four hour train ride to Delray Beach, and it was an interesting ride. I finished listening to the book that Jay recommended, I dozed off-and-on, and had a grilled cheese sandwich and a couple cokes. The 'roomette' also came with a half-bath...a toilet and a sink. As I began to prepare to take advantage of the toilette, suddenly I was mooning most of the population of Sebring, Florida, much to their dismay. Most of them were stopped for the train, but the were probably surprised to see so much of my glory speeding past. SURPRISE! I made it to Delray Beach about 5:45, and Mike was there to retrieve me from the station. Once I got settled in, we went off to a Jazz and Art Festival close to downtown, then returned and spent the evening with Norma watching tv. Perfect. I am about done for the night, and I will catch you up with more tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 56/309 - Tuesday

This is the last day of our President's Circle conference, and some of the sessions today were interesting, others were honestly without merit of any kind. Sorry. Breakfast was at 8, sessions began at 9, completed at Noon, lunch after that, then a break until 6 and it was a giant closing reception. There is no lack of food and drink, and next year we will venture to Las Vegas. Then San Diego, and after that, back to the Fountainbleau in Miami. We had a good meeting at the Fountainbleau last year, so I am looking forward to going back there. Texas was well represented at the conference, as we always are, and as always, it is really good to see colleagues from Texas and all across the country. Being in Florida today, I missed the ROMEO breakfast, but Richard took up the mantle of going forward with Total Stranger Tuesday. There were plenty of people here that I don't know, who could have qualified as total strangers, but I appreciate that Richard sent me the photo accompanying this entry. Good job, Richard!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 55/310, 2025 - Monday

One more day of meetings, and this will be a wrap. I got registered this morning, and went in to the General Session. There was only one person I strongly disagreed with, but I refrained from obvious disagreement. That person was not even a Legislator, he was a pollster. The best portion of the session in my opinion was a conversation by Kevin McCarthy and Rahm Emanuel. It was done the way (in my opinion) things should be done. They could agree on some points and disagree on other points, but they were respectful of one another, and did not demean each other. Do you remember Perry Mason? He and Hamilton Berger were strong opponents during their trials, but they could go and have a beer together when the court day was concluded. I judge a lot of people by whether or not I would go have a beer with someone, whether I agree with all their ideals or not. I find the list of people I would not care to have a beer with is getting longer and longer as I get older and older. I am even at the point that I wonder what I could do to foil the ambitions of some people. And it is not all politics. Okay, it is mostly politics. Whatever. After the session, I had a nice lunch with my peeps, and Rahm Emanuel joined us at the table for a few minutes. My table mates were courteous, even though some of them would have preferred to not be so closely associated with Mr. Emanuel. And I respect that. After lunch, I retired to my room, and met with another bunch of peeps (too many to name) for dinner at Tu Tu Tango. Interesting place, and we all had a good time. Some opted to hang at the bar when we returned, but because of my advanced age, I in back in my room, waiting for the eyes to close. Tomorrow will be another busy day, and I am pretty sure it will be a good one.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 54/311, 2025 - Sunday

It was a pretty busy day. I had a few things to get done this morning, one of them being to pack a bag for a trip to Orlando. Paulina came and picked me (and the girls) up, and we dropped the girls off at Val and Paulina's house. Then it was off to the airport. I got there pretty early for my flight, but the place was really crowded. I saw my friend Cathy (we were on the same flight) and she saved a seat for me. When we got to Orlando, she was meeting her daughter, and we were staying at the same hotel, so that was convenient. The flight was an hour leaving Austin, but it all worked out okay. I got to the hotel, and met up with Ben, Tobetha, our server, Melinda, Nancy and Steve. My partners in crime. As usual, we had a big time, and laughed a lot. I like laughing. My part of the conference starts tomorrow, and Wednesday, I will catch a train and go visit Mike in Del Ray Beach. Stay tuned.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 53/312, 2025 - Saturday

While it has been so cold in the mornings, we have been walking at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, instead of 7 o'clock in the morning. Which means, I have been staying in bed until after six, which is very nice. Also, since I am no longer doing property management, there is no need for me to spend a lot of time in front of the computer when I first get up. So far, it's a win/win for me, and I think I am adjusting to the change pretty well. It was a little drizzly this morning when we left for estate sales, there were six sales, and I spent a total of $31 for stuff I really didn't know I needed. But, apparently I did need it, and now I own it. The only thing I bought at the grocery this week was milk, and so the refrigerator is kind of bare. For dinner tonight, I had the last of the cranberry-turkey salad (my new crave), and the last of a loaf of bread. My favorite bits, the heels. I put off doing laundry just as long as I could, and when this entry is finished, I will need to fold clothes. Overnight will be the coldest night for the foreseeable future, and tomorrow I will put the plants back outside in the front and the back. I think they will enjoy it. The photo accompanying this entry was taken earlier this week, when all the power was out. I had power because I have solar and battery backups. I finally got embarrassed, and turned off the outside light. No need to flaunt it, even if you got it!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 53/313, 2025 - Friday

Okay, it's Friday. Wednesday was electricity. Thursday was propane. Today was lighting pilot lights. There was a lot of rabble about peoples pilot lights being out because of the propane issue, and I really did not think I was affected. Jimmie texted me this morning to see if I could help him get his pilot light lit, and I was happy to. Then I lit both the pilot lights on my water heaters. Richard needed his lit, but his is in the garage, so easy-peezy. This afternoon, Richard, Paul and I were walking, and I told him he needed to check his, and he called me later to get my help. Then, I saw my neighbors, told them they needed to check their pilot light, and sure enough, it was out. We are lighting the pilot lights on water heaters, one at a time. We should be finished by spring! Other than that, it was kind of a busy day today. I left for the office at about 9 o'clock, got some stuff done, and was late for a 11 o'clock meeting at the Austin Board. After that, I had one errand to get accomplished in Austin, then I made a stop at Costco, and I got home about 2:15. Our walk started at 3, because it is too cold in the mornings. Finished walking about 4, Val and Paulina made it to the Curious House at 4:30, and we went to dinner. Now, it is time for this day to be over. Six estate sales tomorrow, and that will be a lot of fun! Not sure who all will be attending, but it will all be okay. Go get under a blanket.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 51/314, 2025 - Thursday

Okay, so today's journal is being produced today. What a concept. We had no more issues with electricity, although I think the internet and cable dropped off a couple times. Oh yeah, and the community ran out of propane again. Not 100% empty, but it would have taken about thirty minutes to make scrambled eggs, if you were so motivated. I'm not sure how THAT can happen, but, you know, sh*t happens. It's all good now, and everything should be working as intended for the next couple days, and then we will not be having any more below freezing temperatures for a while. Richard and Paul and I did a walk this afternoon, much easier to walk in below freezing temperatures than in the mornings, when it is still dark outside. I think we have one more day of cold, and then we will have above average temperatures again. High 70s next week, and I know what I mean when I say 'high' 70s. From what I can remember, anyway. Tonight was book club at Marian's, and that was fun. We read James, and while we were talking about the book, Marian had Huckleberry Finn on the tv. Fun. Next month, book club will be at the Curious House, and we are reading Margot's Got Money Trouble, and it sounds like a fun book. We need fun books in our lives right now!

Volume 17 - Day 50/315, 2025 - Wednesday

Everything I say may not be correct. I read that somewhere recently. I mention it again now, because this journal entry should have been published yesterday, but I am submitting it today. At 7:58 last night, the power went out. I was actually on a zoom call, and at first I thought it was just the internet provider. I have solar and battery back-up, so I still had power. A few minutes later, I got a text from Pedernales Electric Coop that there was a 'service interruption' at the Curious House. I started surveying the other houses, and yep, the power was off. I went around turning things off that were not important, and felt pretty smug. I have one television that is not on cable, so I watched the news, had ice cream, and did all the regular stuff. I crawled into bed about 10:30, and the power was restored about 1AM. It could have been worse, and for me, it was not bad at all. We did not do a morning walk yesterday, but we did walk at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. That is the same plan for today, a nice afternoon walk. I think we still have a few more days with low temperatures below freezing, but so far, it is just cold, not crazy. 15 degrees right now, wind chill is at 1 degree. Don't cry for me Argentina!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 49/316, 2025 - Tuesday

Today marks five years since Joel (Jody) died. I am still lost, but also lucky for the 28+ years we spent together. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 48/317, 2025 - Monday

First full day home, and I was kind of busy. Not busy like I used to be, but busy. Of course, the day started with a walk, and walking is more rewarding in the neighborhood than it was on the boat. I mentioned that to Richard when we were 'boat walking.' Paul joined us, but he only did a bit of the walk, he was having an issue with either his ankle or his knee, apparently I was not paying that much attention, but it was great to see Paul again after being gone for a week. I went in to the office and got there at about 10:30, got done what I needed to get done, and left about noon:30. I had a text from my friend Teri that my garage door was open, and I am 100% certain that it closed when I left this morning. I can open and close the door remotely, and that has worked well for me in the past. Not today. Richard checked it out, and apparently a piece of the insulation on the garage door was loose and caused the sensors to be tricked and not let the door close. Richard tricked the sensors to ignore it, and got the door closed for me. I re-secured the insulation when I got home, and all is well now. Linda and Jimmy invited me to join them for dinner in Georgetown, and that was fun, always fun to hang out with them. I have three things that need to get done tomorrow, so I hope all the scheduling works out. The girls won't like it, but it is what it is! We have had some freezing weather, more tonight and LOTS colder Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. I guess the cold doesn't bother these little purple flowers. Happily!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 47/318, 2025 - Sunday

I'm home and I'm tired. We got home about 1:30, and I have kind of been playing catch-up since then. There was some mail to go through, a weeks worth of newspapers, got gas in the little white car, bought a few groceries, fed the girls, watched part of the news, part of Sixty Minutes, talked to Mike on the phone, brought the plants inside (front and back), and after I finish the entry, I am going to go sit in the big chair. We had a blast on the cruise, and it was fun to share a 'first' with Dick and Marge. I think I may have slept a little later in the mornings, and we will put it to the test tomorrow morning. I would like to say in bed later in the mornings, not that I am (sort of) semi-retired. I will be going in to the office tomorrow, then I have appointments on Tuesday mornings, and the girls are scheduled to get poked on Tuesday afternoon. I am unpacking casually, basically as I need something, I go get it out of the suit case. As usual, I overpacked for the cruise, but I have come to expect that. Tomorrow morning it will be good to see Paul, and I am looking forward to our walk. Stay tuned.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 46/319, 2025 - Saturday

This is our last day of cruising, and we will dock in Galveston tomorrow morning, and most likely be off the ship by 9:30 or 10. Hopefully earlier. I will get some packing done tonight, and finish it up after breakfast in the morning. Richard and I walked this morning, a little over two miles, and then went to breakfast with Marge. I bought a couple t-shirts this morning, and went to watch a couple minutes at an art auction. Crazy people were bidding thousands of dollars for art pieces, but I could not continue to watch. Later in the day, we went to a 'water show,' which was interesting, but there was a little bit too much 'interpretive dancing' for my liking. It was interesting, but I most likely would not go again. Then we went and had ice cream, every day so far, and then it was time for a nap. We did not go to the formal dining room tonight, we had dinner at the market place, which has the same stuff as the formal dining room, just easier and quicker. I am looking forward to not eating at every opportunity when we get off the ship, but I will most likely not cut back on ice cream. Probably not. I have a pretty full schedule next week, but that will be okay, nothing terribly overwhelming. We shall see what the new week brings.

Friday, February 14, 2025

17 - Day 45/320, 2025 - Friday

Well, this was a busy day! Richard and I did not walk this morning, but he, Marge and I got off the ship at about 8:30 (I think) and took a cab to the Ultra Mar ferry to go across to Playa del Carmen. The ferry ride was about 45 minutes, and Candy Crush met us at the ferry dock to take us to the condo. The condo was occupied, and the occupants were supposed to be out at noon, so I showed Dick and Marge the courtyard, and then we had lunch. My friend Steve met us for lunch, and then we checked out the condo. The occupants still had not checked out, but they weren't there, so we checked it all out. I still like the place a WHOLE LOT, and just hope I will be able to go back more than I have. Playa is still a really cool place, and I am happy overall with everything. Candy Crush picked us up at 2 to take us back to the ferry, and we got back on the ship at about 3. We went straight to the 15th deck for ice cream and some mini-bites. We were scheduled to see a show called Columbus at 7:30, but it was delayed until 8:30, so we had dinner (it was lobster night) and we were back at the theatre at about 8:20. The show was really cute, about Christopher Columbus's brother Marvin. I smiled through the whole thing, and I am threatening myself to go see it again tomorrow night. We will have a walk in the morning, and then go for breakfast. Richard has a 'behind the scenes' tour of the ship tomorrow at 9, and I think I might go to the art auction at noon. Tomorrow is the final day, all at sea, and we will get back to Galveston early Sunday morning, have breakfast about 6:30 or 7, and then de-boat around 9 and drive back to Austin. It has been a really fun trip, just as much fun as I remembered cruising.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 44/321, 2025 - Thursday

We started the day with a walk, a little over two miles. After the walk, we went and had a nice breakfast. We did not dock at Costa Maya because of high winds and choppy water. I want to say 'choppy seas,' but we are not at sea, we are in the Caribbean, and tomorrow, when we dock at Cozumel, we will be in the Gulf of MEXICO. But, even though we didn't dock, it was a nice day. I am getting LOTS of rest, napping daily, and having a good visit with Dick and Marge. We had dinner in the Solarium tonight, and they are going to an ice skating show. Not me. I am back in the room, watching the news, and getting ready to take another (longer) nap. Tomorrow, we are going to get off the ship at 8:30, take a ferry from Cozumel to Playa, and have breakfast at Chez Celine, around the corner from the condo. I had a few things done and I haven't see the results, so that is why we are trekking over to PDC. Then, we will walk around a bit, and head back to the boat about 1:30 or two o'clock. I have my goto taxi driver on standby, and I will let him know we are on our way when the ferry takes off. I think it is going to be a fun day. I need to find out who the artist is that did these sculptures, and see if I can afford one. Or two. Or maybe three small ones.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 43/322, 2025 - Wednesday

We docked in Roatan this morning, and now we are on our way to Costa Maya. We have been told that we may not be able to dock at Costa Maya tomorrow, because of rough seas. Seas? Rough weather? Rough something. No ships docked at Costa Maya today, because of something. If we don't dock tomorrow, it will be the first time of many cruises I have been on, that the schedule had to be changed. We shall see. Richard and I are walking in the mornings, a little over two miles. Honestly, I prefer walking in the neighborhood to walking around in circles on a boat, but a walk is a walk. After the walk, we had a good breakfast, and habits are beginning to take shape. We did get off the ship in Roatan, but we were only off for a couple hours. I am making lots of new friends, but I don't know any of their names! I understand it is raining in central Texas, but it is not here, and the moon is big and bright. A very nice full moon. If you get a chance, go take a look for yourself!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 42/323, 2025 - Tuesday

Okay, still on the boat. Richard and I walked a little over two miles this morning, and then he and I and Marge went upstairs and had breakfast. Then it was time for a nap. After my nap, I went and did some people watching, and had a nice wiener for lunch. Then it was time for another nap. At 3 o'clock, we got back together and watched the ships production of Grease. Honestly, I was really impressed with the production; great cast members and good production values. I was really surprised at how well it was done. Then we went and had another wiener (no bun), before we went up and had an ice cream cone. Then, back to the cabin before dinner. I was not too impressed with the menu tonight, a taste of Italy. But we had fun at dinner, and we laughed quite a bit. I'm back in the cabin, getting ready to call it a night. But, it is Tuesday, which means it is Total Stranger Tuesday, and that was fun this morning at breakfast. One of the victims is from Austin, and the other is from Florida. I met four more strangers at dinner, and I think they are from Nigeria, we didn't get that far into the family trees.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 41/324, 2025 - Monday

Today was a day at sea, and Richard, Marge and I went for a walk this morning. Five laps is a little over two miles, so that is what we did. Marge did one lap, but that was fine. After that, we went for breakfast, and after that, it was time for a nap. Marge and I played Bingo this afternoon, and we should have just saved our money. There is really just not a lot to talk about on a sea day, and tomorrow will be another sea day. Wednesday we will dock in Roatan, Thursday in Costa Maya, and Friday in Cozumel. There are going to be a couple shows over the next couple days, and I will report all that on another day.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 40/325, 2025 - Sunday

We made it breakfast at the hotel at about 8:30 this morning. The eggs were quite unusual, but they were okay. They were flat. Flat white things with yellow places in the middle. They were okay. I also had sausage, and a biscuit with gravy. And coffee. After that, we went to Kroger (across the street) and Marge bought a couple bottles of water. By then, it was about 10 o'clock, and our boarding time was 1:30. So we drove around to kill some time, and we got to the parking garage around 12:30, took the shuttle to the boat, and were on board and in our rooms by 1:30. We walked around the ship for a while, went and had some soft-serve (my happy place) and then some snacks. Dinner was at 7:30, and I got back to my room about 9:30. Tomorrow, I am meeting Dick and Margie at the running track at 7, and we will get (maybe) 3 miles in, since there are no hills. That is my intention, anyway. A full day at sea on Monday and Tuesday, and we land somewhere on Wednesday. Even though today was a good day, Marge is still not entertaining the idea of going to Antarctica with me. Whatever. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 39/326, 2025 - Saturday

There was no walk for me this morning, since I was staying in Austin. I did get up even earlier than usual, since my breakfast meeting started at 6:45. It was scheduled to end at 9, but we were finished by 8:30. Once I got back to the Curious House, I had a few things to do, and one of them was to get packed because Richard, Marge and I left for Galveston early in the afternoon. Tomorrow we will start a cruise with Royal Caribbean. It is Richard and Marge's first time cruising, and I just like cruising, so I think it is going to be a lot of fun. We got to our hotel about 5 o'clock, and for sure, it is not the Hyatt. It is 'cost effective,' and apparently they keep costs down by locking up the toilet paper in the bathroom. Whatever. We Ubered to a nice restaurant for fresh fish, and now it is time to be done. More later, and look for lots of pictures from the cruise.  

Friday, February 7, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 38/327, 2025 - Friday

Fridays are always good days, if you ask me. We had a nice walk this morning, and then I had some stuff to do around the house before heading in to Austin. I stopped in at the office for a while, and then headed to a luncheon meeting with Texas REALTORS®. After the luncheon, I headed back to the Curious House, where I had some phone calls to make, and girls to take care of. About 4 o'clock, I loaded the girls up and dropped them off with Val and Paulina and Oliver, and I headed back to Austin. I am staying in Austin this evening because I have a meeting at 6:45 in the morning. Easier just to stay in town, trust me. I am getting to see lots of friends and colleagues from across the state, and that is always fun. Lots of gossip, and I am always a willing participant in that. I have stayed in hotels in the past with a view of much worse parking lots than this one. I am ready to turn in for the night, and it is going to be an early day tomorrow.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 37/328, 2025 - Thursday

I was a very domesticated kind of person today. All day! After our walk this morning, I did laundry, two or three loads, changed the linens on the bed, all kinds of stuff like that. The ADT guy got to the Curious House at about 10:30, and he got the old doorbell to work. No new doorbells were harmed in the repair, and the only thing damaged in the whole ordeal was my psyche. The whole issue could have been solved two weeks ago if people knew what they were doing. I'm not angry with any of the people, I am angry and frustrated with the procedure. Whatever. After that, I was still doing laundry, and after  while, I went to the storage place, then to CVS to pick up a prescription, and then back to the storage place, and then back home. I expect we will have a nice walk in the morning, and then I will be off to Austin for a luncheon meeting, then back to the Curious House, then back to Austin for dinner and I will do a sleepover and go to a breakfast meeting on Saturday morning. It's that time of year! Here is the picture of the convict labor Richard and I saw Tuesday morning when we were leaving the ROMEO breakfast. They did not seem to be really exerting themselves, but not sure what their hourly rate is, either.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 36/329, 2025 - Wednesday

Another warm day in central Texas, 65 degrees when we left for our walk. I took the little white car in to Austin this morning, top down, but while I was stopped in traffic I put the top up, it was just a little bit drippy. Nothing terrible, bit it was a bit chilly in the car. I got in to the office, I had a 10:30 appointment, and that went well, and I left the office a little after 11:30, made a stop at the pharmacy and another stop at Target. I got home at 1:01, and my appointment with ADT was to be between 1PM and 5PM. Guess who did not show up, yet again. Now, I am scheduled tomorrow morning, between 8AM and Noon. I cannot adequately describe my frustration level, but the only practical way to get the problem fixed is to remain calm. I'm not really sure how much longer that can last. While I wait tomorrow, I am planning to do laundry, so I can make some progress during the wait. Tonight was the neighbors dinner, and there were ten of us. We had a good time, lots of chatter and lots of story telling and lots of laughing. Fun times. I still have the convict picture, but maybe I will use that one tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 35/330, 2025 - Tuesday

There was no reason to dress warmly this morning for our walk, it was 65 degrees, so shorts and a t-shirt did it. We had our ROMEO breakfast this morning, too, and, as usual, it is Total Stranger Tuesday. I chose my victim carefully, and I needed to make sure her husband was not a LOT bigger than me, just in case they don't get the purpose. BUT, they did, we had a blast, and her husband was not her husband, he was her son, and we all had a good time. On the way home, there was a bunch of prisoners (photo tomorrow) unloading a truck, and a protester (a lady) outside the Court House, being harassed by about a half-dozen cops. They actually harassed her until she crossed the street and was in a parking lot, where the last I saw they were physically restraining her. What in the hell is happening? SO...I had a 10:30 appointment with ADT, who did not deliver the new doorbell, and did not really have an acceptable excuse. NOW, I have an appointment tomorrow, between 1PM and 5PM. Whoever it is that is supposed to show up is also supposed to bring a doorbell with them. We could have all saved a bunch of time if they had just done this a month ago. What have I done with my Yelp button? It's here somewhere. My other appointment (2PM) was supposed to last an hour, but it was over in about 30 minutes. That is what I call a good meeting. I will make it in to the office tomorrow, but I will be home by 1. There are a couple errands I need to run while I am in town, too, so we shall see how that all works out.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 34/331, 2025 - Monday

Tomorrow I will wear shorts on our walk, I wore just a light jacket this morning, and about half-way through, I was glistening. Overnight, the low temperature is going to be about 65 degrees, and that is the normal high temperature for this time of year. It got up to 82 degrees today, and that was a record setter. More temps in the 80s for the next few days, but probably no records broken. I did go in to the office this morning, just moved some paperwork around, figuring I did plenty on Saturday. Tomorrow will be a stay-at-home day, I have two zoom calls and it will just be easier to do it from home. Okay, here is something interesting: I am going to Antarctica in November. I put down the deposit this morning, and I am pretty darned excited about that. Eleven days, not including (probably) four days getting to and from. One of the things I think will be really cool is, I will camp out and sleep in a 'snow-hole' one night, and I cannot think of anything right off that sounds more interesting. The ship carries a maximum of 180 persons, and they will assign me a 'suite mate,' but there is plenty of time if you decide you want to go along. That will leave me with two more continents to hit, and I think it will be totally cool. The photo accompanying this journal entry came up in my memories today. When Jody and I lived out at the farm, I would pass this guy every day, and I always thought he looked very lonely, out in the pasture by him self. I stopped this day just to talk to him, and I think he really appreciated it. I did!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 33/332, 2025 - Sunday

Yep, we had a good walk this morning, and we also walked up to the main road (29), and walked over to The Preserve, a commercial development they are just about finished with (Phase One) just to look around. They have paved some of the parking lot and put in the sidewalks, so that is what we were waiting on. There was nothing really to see, just five or six buildings under construction. I think there are going to be 18 buildings when they are finished. No one knows what will be in that development, except we know there will be a Montessori School. We are all hoping for a few restaurants, we shall see. After the walk, I did very little, a trend that continued throughout the rest of the day. I did enough yesterday for today, so I just kind of chilled out. In the late afternoon, I did what everyone else did, I took a trip to Costco for just three things. And a wiener. $1.62 for a wiener and a diet Pepsi. Not too bad. And that took care of dinner. I did water plants, front and back, and took the covers off the spigots to accomplish that. I expect I will have to put the covers back on at some point, but not any time soon. I am trying to watch The Grammy Awards, but I am apparently not trying hard enough. This coming week should be pretty calm, I have a couple meetings on the calendar, nothing too time consuming.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 32/333, 2025 - Saturday

It was a good morning for a walk, James didn't join us, he is feeling sickly. After the walk, I did a few things around the house, and then Margie and I went to three estate sales. They were possibly the worst three estate sales we have been to since we started doing sales. Everyone except me and Margie had other things to do, but we got to the sales. After sales, I did some more stuff around the house, and then I headed in to Austin to rearrange some stuff in the office. No one in Austin stayed inside today. Today was one of the days that everyone talks abut in central Texas. 75 degrees, sun shining and it is the first day of February. I am not kidding when I say no one stayed inside. People and cars were everywhere! I left Austin about 3:30, and got home about 4:15. I am tired, not used to moving furniture around, although I did have help. Jody used to say that he hoped I was not too tired to sleep, but I am thinking that might be the case tonight. I had the last of my Turkey Cranberry salad for dinner, along with some deviled egg salad (expiration date 12/25/2024). I don't even feel bad. When I got home this afternoon, I let the girls out, and even though Callie is camera shy, I got this fuzzy photo to include with this journal entry. So far, I have no firm plans for tomorrow, but I am sure something will interest me.