Thursday, February 27, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 58/307, 2025 - Thursday

Everybody, meet Norma! Norma, meet everybody! Everybody already knows Mike, and y'all know he has a couple sisters (twin sisters), and here is proof that one of the sisters exists. Norma and Mike live together in Delray Beach, where I will be ensconced until Sunday morning. So far today, we have done a whole lot of nothing, which is my general modus operandi. It is just kind of like being at home, only sharing the day with Mike and Norma. I did make a business phone call this morning, and that was about a 20 minute call, but that is about the most productive I have been. We did eat and nap, and Mike and I drove around the neighborhood looking at houses, and drove over for a quick look at the Atlantic. They actually cook here, which is something I am not used to, but it ws delicious, no telling what they might cook tomorrow. I think on Saturday we may go to the Lion Country Safari. I am planning on kidnapping something exotic and putting it in my checked baggage when I return on Sunday. I'm thinking pygmy hippo, but I will know better when I see what's available. Just another day of calm, and it's perfect. I didn't mention this yesterday, but the ride down her on the train was really peaceful and calming. The train just ambled along, not seeming to be in any kind of hurry, and that was great. I really want to try more train transports. I know we are doing some train stuff in June when we are in Europe. That will be fun.

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