Friday, February 28, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 59/306, 2025 - Friday

Not only is today Friday, it is also the last day of February. Already. I'm still having a great time visiting with Mike and Norma. This morning, Mike had an errand to run at City Hall, so I tagged along with it. After that, we went back to the house and collected Norma and headed off to brunch at a restaurant called the Dune Deck in Lantana. Ocean front, very nice, great views, the water goes on and on. Kind of like the land in Texas. Miles and miles of miles and miles. When we finished brunch, one of the tires on Mike's truck was low, so he stopped for air, and tomorrow he will have two new back tires. The rest of the afternoon was spent napping and watching media disasters. Needless to say, it DID NOT make for great television, and that is enough said about that. Mike and Norma have a 'team cooking' technique down to a science while in the kitchen. Last night was chicken, squash, green beans and salad. Tonight was salad, spaghetti and meat sauce. Good home cooking! Tomorrow, after the tires, I think we are going on a field trip to a Safari Park. I might have been to one once, but it should be fun! I'll let you know. 

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