Monday, February 24, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 55/310, 2025 - Monday

One more day of meetings, and this will be a wrap. I got registered this morning, and went in to the General Session. There was only one person I strongly disagreed with, but I refrained from obvious disagreement. That person was not even a Legislator, he was a pollster. The best portion of the session in my opinion was a conversation by Kevin McCarthy and Rahm Emanuel. It was done the way (in my opinion) things should be done. They could agree on some points and disagree on other points, but they were respectful of one another, and did not demean each other. Do you remember Perry Mason? He and Hamilton Berger were strong opponents during their trials, but they could go and have a beer together when the court day was concluded. I judge a lot of people by whether or not I would go have a beer with someone, whether I agree with all their ideals or not. I find the list of people I would not care to have a beer with is getting longer and longer as I get older and older. I am even at the point that I wonder what I could do to foil the ambitions of some people. And it is not all politics. Okay, it is mostly politics. Whatever. After the session, I had a nice lunch with my peeps, and Rahm Emanuel joined us at the table for a few minutes. My table mates were courteous, even though some of them would have preferred to not be so closely associated with Mr. Emanuel. And I respect that. After lunch, I retired to my room, and met with another bunch of peeps (too many to name) for dinner at Tu Tu Tango. Interesting place, and we all had a good time. Some opted to hang at the bar when we returned, but because of my advanced age, I in back in my room, waiting for the eyes to close. Tomorrow will be another busy day, and I am pretty sure it will be a good one.

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