Thursday, February 20, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 51/314, 2025 - Thursday

Okay, so today's journal is being produced today. What a concept. We had no more issues with electricity, although I think the internet and cable dropped off a couple times. Oh yeah, and the community ran out of propane again. Not 100% empty, but it would have taken about thirty minutes to make scrambled eggs, if you were so motivated. I'm not sure how THAT can happen, but, you know, sh*t happens. It's all good now, and everything should be working as intended for the next couple days, and then we will not be having any more below freezing temperatures for a while. Richard and Paul and I did a walk this afternoon, much easier to walk in below freezing temperatures than in the mornings, when it is still dark outside. I think we have one more day of cold, and then we will have above average temperatures again. High 70s next week, and I know what I mean when I say 'high' 70s. From what I can remember, anyway. Tonight was book club at Marian's, and that was fun. We read James, and while we were talking about the book, Marian had Huckleberry Finn on the tv. Fun. Next month, book club will be at the Curious House, and we are reading Margot's Got Money Trouble, and it sounds like a fun book. We need fun books in our lives right now!

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