I did half-a-walk this morning with Paul and Dick. I had an appointment at the dermatologist at 8 o'clock, and I actually made it. It would have been much easier if I had not done a walk at all, but I was not too stinky for the doctor. Plus, she and her assistant and I get along really well, and we always get a couple inappropriate jokes in before the appointment is over. I stopped at HEB on the way home, looking for nutritious food, and ended up with $67 worth of grapes and chicken salad. I got home and emptied the groceries, and immediately got the girls in the car to head to the beautiful parlor. The Piglet is not always a fan of riding in the car, I am not sure how she can tell the difference between 'just' a ride, and a ride to the vet or the groomer. But, they look great, and you can see the proof in the photo accompanying this journal entry. Callie has never been fond of having her picture taken, but I faked her out, and this one looks pretty decent. It has been dribbly raining all day long. I just went out to check, and there is 0.08" of dribble in the gauge. I got my newspaper renewal in the mail today, $612.29. We do not get a printed newspaper on Saturdays, and we do not get printed newspaper deliveries on various Holidays throughout the year. By my calculations, that means, ideally, we get the newspaper delivered 306 days a year, and that equals $2 per day. I understand that they all want us to go to digital, but I am not a fan of digital, but this renewal might just put me over the edge. Not sure yet. It will be fun going to estate sales tomorrow, I will let you know if I find a few things I did not know I could not live without.
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