Well, the day did not go as I had planned it, but I guess it all works out the way it is supposed to. Richard and Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, it was in the 40's, much warmer than yesterday, but it was still bundling up kind of weather. I did not go in to Austin today...well, that is not really accurate. I did not go in to the office today. I did go in to take a sign and lock box off a property, and then I had lunch with Eileen. I cannot believe neither one of us remembered to take an ussie. Ugh. I had an errand to get taken care of on the way home, and that was okay. I got home about 4 o'clock, and it was time for the girls to go outside. I went down for a quick nap, and watched the news. So far, this day sounds extra exciting, doesn't it? Well, I guess it really wasn't. Anyway...it is nice winding down this year, and getting ready for the next year. I was surprised last night when one of my neighbors brought me some home made cookies, and I got a couple little gifts from Eileen at lunch, and Wells (Jimmie and Linda's grandson) brought me some pralines from their visit to New Orleans. No estate ales tomorrow, but I think I will find stuff to do. I expect the Curious House will experience its' first freeze of the season; the plants are in, but the faucets are not covered yet, it won't be that cold lang enough to do any damage. Oh yeah, I did a couple loads of laundry before I headed out, and now I have plenty of clean clothes. That's important!
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