Well, today was Monday. It was not particularly terrible, but it has created a multiple change of plans. Most of you didn't even know what the original plan was, so there is really no sense in telling you what the changes are. So there! Richard and Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, it was in the mid 60s, and it was nice. Shorts and a t-shirt. Richard has an appointment in the morning, so there is a question about whether he will do half-a-walk, or no walk. It should be another nice morning. I got in to the office earlier than usual, I knew I had stuff to do in the afternoon, so I got in early. I had lunch with Michael and Lynda, and that was very nice, as always. Then back to the office. I did what had to be done, and left the office about 2:30. Paulina and Val were coming over at 4, and I had one errand to get done before I got home. I got to the Curious House with a few minutes to spare. I had a neighbors open house at 7, and I am pretty sure everyone had a nice time. About 16 of our neighbors visited, and I enjoyed it very much. Tomorrow will be the ROMEOs breakfast, and Richard will not be in attendance. I'm not too sure what else will be going on tomorrow, but I think it will be pretty calm. Go outside and look up at the moon, if you get this and it is still dark outside.
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