It was the best of days, it was the worst of days. I'm not sure how the days going forward will play out, but some of it is none of your business. Today completes 16 years of this journal. I called it
365 Days of Bill because I had intended to only do it for one year, but if you know me at all, you know I am crazy and obsessive. SO, tomorrow will start Volume 17. That is kind of exhausting just to think about. I also thought about making this entry a recap of 2024, but the more I thought about it, the more tedious it became, so I will just give you a couple of extra odd things I did this year. Just a couple. I started the year with about 4,700 Facebook friends, and I am down to about 3,900 right now. All the friends I no longer have on Facebook are because of something I did or something I said. I unfriended many of them, but I doubt I unfriended 800 people. It is totally okay with me that many people unfriended me. I know my views and my reality does not mesh with everyone, and I am okay having only friends that believe many of the same things I do, or are at least tolerant of my many rants and raves. I think a lot of people probably also believe this journal is tedious, and I agree with them, too. So, whatever. If you survived the year as one of my Facebook friends, and your birthday is included in your profile, I wished you a Happy Birthday. Every. Single. One. Of. You. Wishing you all a Happy Birthday was one of the things I did beginning every day. So...maybe I will do it again next year, maybe not. If I do it on January 1st, then I am stuck with it for the rest of the year. Next thing...Carrie (my business partner) and I merged our Property Management portfolio with another local company in Austin, which means I am stepping out of the leasing and property management side of real estate. I am 73 years old and for the past 52 years, I have worked with businesses that were 24 hour a day jobs. Hotels, restaurants, answering service, inbound telemarketing and order fulfillment, and finally reals estate which included the property management piece. No more pager calls because the air conditioning is not blowing cold, or the toilet is backed up, or the patio fence was on fire. Nope, I'm done with that. I will still be doing sales, a little bit here, and a little bit there. I am ready. Here is something most of you don't know. On December 10th, I had a
starter stroke. If you Google TIA, you will see what I had. While it was happening, I was driving, and it was kind of interesting. It would have been even more interesting if I had not been driving at the time. But...all is as well as it can be right now, and my current life is a series of Doctors appointments, and just doing the best I can not to have another stroke. The outlook is good I believe. Last topic for today, Richard and James and I had a brief walk this morning, and then we had to help another friend of ours with some stuff. After that, I joined Richard and Rick for our ROMEO breakfast, and since it is Tuesday, it was Total Stranger Tuesday, even if this weeks ussie was not that willing to go along. It will all be okay. Have a great New Year, if you have any questions, just ask. I love you all!
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