Monday, January 13, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 13/352, 2025 - Monday

It's like deja vu all over again. There was a nice sunset this evening, but not as good as the one a year ago, so I am posting that photo on this entry. If you think you saw it before, you well may have. It was a good morning for a walk, me, Paul and Richard. Richard deviated from our normal routines, but that was because the spring on his garage door broke yesterday. I thought he had overslept, but he was outside waiting. After the walk, I putzed around the house for a while before heading in to the office. We are planning to have the office leased on April 1st, so we started recycling stuff today. From my days as an instructor, I have LOTS of binders with LOTS of paperwork from the various classes. The papers are being recycled, and I am not sure what I will be doing with all the binders. Anyone need a bunch of binders? Various sizes. Poor Piglet. She is going on a diet, and I am going to PetsMart tomorrow to buy some low calorie dog food. She is going to be pissed because she is not in charge of what she eats. I feel kind of bad, I could stand to lose some weight, too, but I know how to scoop ice cream into a bowl, and drizzle it with chocolate sauce. It's a full moon tonight, and I will be letting Helen know about it in a couple hours. Everybody needs to pay attention!

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