It was cold enough this morning that an ice cube could have had a chance in Hell. It is supposed to be a couple degrees colder in the morning, and then a 'warming' trend for the next several days. BUT, the freezing temperatures may go through Sunday morning. The boys (Paul and Richard) and I are not really sure who the dumbest ones are/were, but we did walk this morning, although we did cut about a quarter mile off the walk. Once I got home, I had a leisurely time getting ready to go in to Austin. Once there, Maggie and I took a trip to one of the properties we will be listing. We were almost back to the office, and we turned around and went back. We are both victims of circumstances. Whatever. It did make it up in to the high 40s this afternoon, and it could have been worse. I am pretty sure that NONE of the morning glories will survive the cold temperatures, but that is totally expected. I am not quite ready to call it a night; I went to check the mail after 6PM and it still had not been delivered. I will go look again after 8, and will wonder why it seems to be getting delivered later and later.
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