Even though it was warmer this morning, it was still a chilly 37 degrees when we left for our walk. I am glad I did not outsmart myself by putting the plants out yesterday, and thankfully, they all made it. I think they will be able to stay outside for at least a week. The walk tomorrow may be jeopardized by rain, it is forecast to rain early in the morning, so that will stop us. We had four estate sales to hit this morning, and I am pretty sure we all bought something. Honestly, we all had more fun driving to and from the sales than we did AT the sales. We laughed and cut-up and just had a great time. And who doesn't need a little cherub to adorn someplace in the Curious House. There is a bit of controversy about whether this is just a run of the mill cherub holding grapes, or if it could be a young Bacchus. Depending on which Google you believe, Bacchus is or isn't ever depicted with wings. Bacchus is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Dionysus, who I don't know if he was depicted with wings or not. So...maybe yes, maybe no. After the sales, I took a couple naps, and that is about all I did. I have six things left on my chore list, and I may or may not get them done tomorrow. I don't really feel driven to complete any of them, but I will, eventually. Keep your fingers crossed that we get some rain!
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