When I got up this morning, it was 26.1 degrees outside. When I got back from our walk later this morning, it was 24.8 degrees outside. Prepare yourself to see more temperature photos for the next three or four days. Tuesday is supposed to be the coldest morning of the week (I think), with the forecast morning temperature of 20 degrees. Tomorrow morning should be a tepid 22 degrees. Don't say you haven't been warned. After the walk, I met Val, Paulina and Oliver at the Original Pancake House for brunch. It was fun, and then we made plans to hit two estate sales that I had been to yesterday. I bought one thing, but the stuff I was really interested in was already gone, or maybe I just didn't remember what it was I was interested in. After those two sales, we went to two more, and none of us bought anything. But it was fun. I had another couple errands to run after that, and one errand was to go to HEB to find something sweet. Nothing. In the entire HEB Bakery department, there was NOTHING there that I thought would satisfy my sweet craving, so I bought NOTHING. Awful! SO, back to the Curious House, where the girls and I are going to hunker down, stay warm, and enjoy this cold evening. I am a VERY LUCKY MAN!
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