I am feeling rather smug this evening, even if I do say so myself. And I do, since nobody else would be saying that about me. I had a really successful day, chore wise. Paul and Richard and I had a nice walk this morning, and after the walk, I cleaned out the closet in Mike's bedroom, and put a bunch of stuff in the Buzz to take to my storage room, and discarded A LOT of other stuff. It's really a good feeling. I have gone back in there to look at the closet a couple times this afternoon! Shortly after that, I met Candy and Terry for Brunch. On the way home from Brunch, I got gas in the little white car, went in to HEB for 2 quart bottles (2 bottles, 1 quart each) of low fat chocolate milk. They have not had that particular product on the shelves for about the last month. Once I got home, I took the stuff in the Buzz to storage and then went back to an estate sale I went to yesterday. I picked up a few things I did not buy yesterday, because it is always better to pay half-price. All the potted plants, front and back, are either in the house or in the garage, where I expect they will stay until Friday. There is a chance of freezing weather starting tomorrow through Thursday. Not terrible though, since it will get back up at least in to the 40s or better during the day times. Both outside faucets are wrapped up, so I am not really concerned about pipes freezing. I went over to Val and Paulina's later, and we went to dinner with Oliver, and that was good. Two grown-up meals in one day. Now, it is time to settle in for the night, I am expecting it to be pretty chilly on our walk tomorrow.
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