Sunday, January 13, 2019

2019 - Day 13/352 - Sunday...Meed...

I just have to be clear, these amaryllis have been TOTAL over-achievers. I bought the bulbs at Costco back around thanksgiving, and they bloomed beautifully. This is the second set of blooms from these bulbs in the last few months. I wonder if they will bloom again this year?

I did very little of anything today, but I did get the important stuff done, the important stuff being to get the chicken coop cleaned, empty the trash cans, take the trash to the road, sweep the porch, and some more this and that along the way. Oh year, I ate some nuts and some M&Ms, took several naps (some intended, some accidental), watched a movie with Jody and just (I expect) a few more things that I can't remember. Life is good!

Meed -- Noun: a fitting return or recompense. For his valor displayed on the field of battle, the knight was rewarded with his due meed of praise and gratitude from the king.

Did You Know? The word meed is one of the oldest terms in our language, having been part of English for about 1,000 years. An early form of the word appeared in the Old English classic Beowulf, and it can be found in works by literary luminaries including Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, John Milton, Alexander Pope, and Ben Johnson, Its Old English form mede, is akin to terms found in the ancestral versions of many European languages, including Old High German, Old Swedish, and ancient Greek. In Modern English, the venerable meed is most likely found in poetic contexts.

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