Today was a fun day. A busy day but also a fun day. I got in a nice walk this morning with Jack, Richard and Paul, then back home where I had several spurts of energy. I put a load of clothes in the washer; the blankets from the bed for this load. As of now, I have washed four loads of clothes, which comes to washing clothes about every six weeks or so. Don't judge me. According to Mrs. Google, I still change the bed linens MUCH more than the average. Everything is crossed off my chores list; I planted six amaryllis, twenty-one packets of morning glory seeds, one packet of bluebonnet seeds and two bluebonnet plants, as well as three packets of wildflower seeds. I also trimmed back the ornamental grasses in the back yard, rearranged the furniture on the back deck and patio (back to the way it was before I rearranged it last night). In between times today, I had a nice brunch with Alisha and Reuben, hung several pieces of art in the garage (garages aren't just for cars anymore), and vacuumed here and there. I watched a You Tube video about how to fold fitted sheets, but that did not help at all. Now I am pretty much done for the day, but I will go out later and water the plants and seeds that I put in the ground. The red buds are blooming all over the neighborhood. The flowers on red buds (should it be one word or two?) develop before the leaves in the spring, emerging in clusters along the branches. Redbuds (equal time for both methods) are ramiflorous, bearing flowers and g=fruits on bare branches. This is a rare trait in trees that grow in temperate climates. Flowers bloom between March and April and last for two to three weeks. PAM, if you are reading this, please tell Paul.
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