And now, for something completely different. It is after 11 o'clock, and some several minutes past my sleep time. Not my bed time, my sleep time. I went to dinner this evening with Jimmie and Linda, and then we went to a Blake Shelton concert. It was pretty darned interesting. The concert start time was 7PM, so we left the house at 4. Had dinner. Got to the venue at about 6:30 There were two warm up acts, no one that I was particularly familiar with. Blake came on at 9PM, and we left at 10. They could all still be there for all we know. I had fun watching the people; a never ending line of comers-and-goers. The space was less that 50% full until about 8:30, and then I would say it was about 95% (at least) full. Apparently it is de rigueur (the current fashion for you Aggies) to arrive late, or in this case, just about the right time. Anyway, it was fun, we had a nice dinner and we enjoyed each others company. I was surprised that all three acts advocated that all the attendees consume goodly amounts of alcohol. Odd. Whatever. The day started as most do with a nice walk with the boys, and then off to the office. It was a calm day in the office, and I got home early, and you know about the rest of the afternoon and evening. Good night!
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