This trip to Miami and our annual President's Circle Conference has been chocker-block full os small, meaningful and memorable events. It has not been all the conference information and camaraderie that has been the most significant (although that has been very worthwhile), it has been the small moments, barely minutes of interactions that I hope to remember fondly when I am old(er). And I realized this evening, that this trip in particular has been full of those small moments. This morning, I was able to sleep a little late, and when I did get up, I got some work done, and then showered and dressed, and we all headed out for brunch. Mike drove in from Delray Beach, and after that, Mike and I headed back to the hotel to take naps. Later, we went down to the pool and hung out for about forty five minutes, and then we all gathered up and went to dinner. After dinner, we went to a Sinatra Tribute on the hotel. Frank Sinatra played here at the Fountainbleau during much of his career, and this particular show, although sparsely attended, was filled with LOTS of money. The security in the room was not protecting the singer or the orchestra, but they were certainly in evidence. I am not sure of the guy that was the singer, he made it clear that he was not an impersonator, and I don't know if the orchestra has a particular name, but I could have listened to the orchestra (22 pieces) for hours. It actually did transport me back a bit, and it was really cool. The putz that opened the set was a Catskill comedian, and I know that the comedy was true to form in the 60's, but that was almost 65 years ago. But, it was all good. Then we went and had a drink in the bar, and among other things, there was a moment in the bar. Ask me later and I will tell you. Needless to say, I think this place spends (literally) millions of dollars on the music and sounds throughout the facility, and it is something that draws you in and keeps you there.
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