As far as Mondays go, this one was pretty good. I knew I needed to be in Austin early this morning, but it wasn't until I got up that I figured out that I needed to be in my office at 8 o'clock this morning, and not at 9 o'clock. That changed things a little bit for me. No walk this morning, and I was in the car on the way in to Austin at 6:30. I got to the office about 7:30, which was fine, you just never know what is going to be happening with traffic. Getting there a little early gave me time to get some things done, checks posted, stuff like that. At about 8:25, we (me Carrie and Kerry) headed to the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) to attend their November meeting. I have been at a few meetings before today, but Carrie and Kerry had not, and I had a great time. I saw several people I knew from my years working on TREC Committees, and I enjoy the machinations of TREC. I think Carrie and Kerry got a new perspective of how TREC works, and that made me feel good. We got back to the office about 1 o'clock, and I got more stuff done, and left for the Curious House about 2 o'clock. I had a couple stops to make on the way home, and those stops were successful, too. Once I got home, I got the girls out, got them fed, and then Jimmie and Linda and I went in to Georgetown for dinner, at Tony & Luigi's. We also stopped for ice cream on the way home. So far, we had 0.02" of rain (again), but it is just starting to rain now, and it is supposed to rain for a while overnight. I will enjoy that, if it happens. Fingers crossed.
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