Well, the saga of Medicare Advantage Plans vs Medicare Supplemental Plans is ongoing, but I think I am making some progress. You just have to find the right people. One of my colleagues gave me the name of a person that spent 75 minutes with me, over the phone, coming up with the plan(s) that will work for me/ A couple places never even called me back after I spent time filling out their on-line questionnaires and/or answering all their questions. And, if this all works out, my anticipated premiums (not current premiums) for the supplemental plan will be in the area of $155.78 per month as opposed to $666.20 per month that I was quoted yesterday. I'm just waiting on one answer from my doctor and then I will get the application process started. If you are on the verge of signing up for Medicare, start with the Supplemental Plan, not the Advantage Plan. Take my word for it. And...bonus, this agent has the same birthday as my friend Mike in Del Rey Beach. Not the same year (Mike is REALLY OLD), but the same date, December 12th. It was a good day for a walk, and we solved a few of the worlds problems, and then Rick, Richard and I went to enjoy the ROMEO breakfast. Tuesday is Total Stranger Tuesday, too, and the photo accompanying this entry is todays victim, with Richard photo bombing in the background. Tomorrow, I have an appointment to get the little white car serviced, and that should not take too long, and then I will be back in to the office. I am a lucky man, yes I am!
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