Did I mention that I turned the heat on last night? I turned the heat on last night. Just to keep the chill off. It was 37 degrees when we left for our walk this morning, but it was not bad when the sun finally got up. Richard was feeling a little stuffy, so he did half a walk. Paul started late, but he caught up with us, and we solved several of the worlds problems. There was a very nice sunrise this morning, as you can see from the photo accompanying this entry.Steve and Melinda (my friends in Longview) sent me a Little Debbie's Pyramid of cakes and muffins, I am pretty well set for the rest of the year. I did a little bit of this-and-that before I headed off for estate sales. I was solo this morning, and I have to admit, nothing was missed by everyone that did not go. There were three sales, and I did not buy anything, and I did not even see anything that I considered buying. It was not a good day for estate sales. Val and Oliver got back from Las Cruces this afternoon, and they stopped by on their way home. I still have some chicken and mashed potatoes, enough for about a half meal tomorrow. I have an appointment at the blood bank tomorrow, just to shake it up a little bit, and see what goes on over the weekends. My usual day for donating is Fridays, but it will be interesting tomorrow. Here is something you may never have expected to hear me say...I am watching the Texas/TAMU game on tv, and so far, so good. It is interesting that Texas has a pretty good team this year, that has taken me by surprise. From the comments on Facebook, not too many people care for the Aggie coach. Hmmm.
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