It was 84 degrees in central Texas today, it is 52 degrees right now, supposed to drop another 10 degrees overnight, and the high temperature for tomorrow is forecast to be 68 degrees. 85 degrees forecast for Wednesday, and then we don't get out of the 60s for the rest of the seven day forecast. That's why you always carry a sweater or a light jacket in the fake fall. Maybe starting Thursday, it will be real fall. Not sure. However, this is the weather we really like, especially when you are tired of the hundred degree days. We had a nice walk this morning, I expect we will be bundled up again tomorrow morning. I took the white car in for more service this morning, and I picked it up after 5:30 this afternoon. Now, I can't get the radio to play for more than 7 seconds. Why do service people insist on pushing buttons when they have cars in? Why do they need to move the seats? WHY! Now, I will be back tomorrow to find out what button they pushed and get the radio back to normal. Ugh. Otherwise, today was a pretty good day, I have a 10 o'clock appointment tomorrow, and then I have to run some errands in the afternoon. Overall, I am looking forward to the long Holiday weekend. I have not found any turkey dinners that I want to order, so I think I will go to HEB on Wednesday and see what they have in their ready-to-eat meals. I am okay hanging with myself for the weekend, it will be calm and quiet, and I expect there will be some naps involved. I will probably post a few more photos of the morning glories, I expect we will have a frost in the next couple of weeks, and that will be it for them. Enjoy.
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