Today was a busy day, and I got a lot of things done. Paul, Richard and I had a nice walk, there was a lot of discussion, mostly about why I SHOULD have my left turn signal on even IF I am in a designated left turn lane. If I am in a left turn lane, not making a left turn from a regular lane of traffic but a DESIGNATED left turn lane, I do not activate my turn signal. OY! I expect that conversation will continue for a few days, because I will keep bringing it up, mainly just to aggravate Paul. I know his buttons. Then it was in to the office. Since this is the first day of the month, there was lots of stuff to do, and I got a lot of it done. Then, I left at about 1 o'clock and decided to get the little white car inspected. When I got to the inspection station, I told the man at the desk that I figured every old man from Sun City would be there, it being the first and all. He said they had all been there at 7:30, and I had avoided the rush. After my inspection (yes, Paul, my turn signals passed), I went to Costco, and bought a few things. Then home, where I went online and did the paperwork for renewing the little white car registration. Then I did a thing...I ordered a pizza for dinner. I have been lusting for pizza for a while, and this ought to hold me for four or five more days. I, as a CDO person (so OCD I put it in alphabetical order), got started on resetting all the clocks in the house. I got ALL the wind up clocks done, and I should be finished with the rest of them sometime tomorrow afternoon. Going forward is not so bad, going backwards hurts a little bit. Estate sales tomorrow, gonna be a fun time, even though there are only two.
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