Honestly, there were a few unexpected things happening today. Everything started out as usual, Richard was not feeling too great, so the walk was me and Paul. After I fed the girls and had some cereal, we all get in the big chair and took a nap. I got all stirred up and did a few things around the house. With the cooler weather, there is not a lot of stuff to do outside, so that is always welcome. After a while, I did get up and go to HEB, where I was not accosted by any pregnant women. That is a definite relief. As I was getting home from the grocery, Alisha texted me that someone she knew that sold her a car was now working for a VW dealer in Waco and they had ONE Buzz that was available. SO...I called Marian to see if she thought Ronnie wanted to drive to Waco with me to look at it, and he did. We got there at about 5:30, and the Buzz is REALLY a neat vehicle. I was close, but in the end, we could not meet anywhere on the trade in, so we drove home. If it was meant to be, and all that stuff. I expect it might happen, but who knows. For sure, I don't. There are two estate sales tomorrow, and after that, I am not too sure what I will be doing. I am threatening to turn the heat on in the house, it was 37 degrees outside this morning, but about 65 degrees in the house. It is forecast to be a little bit cooler tomorrow morning, but I still haven't turned the heat on. Whatever.
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