Epigram -- Noun: 1. a terse, sage, or witty and often paradoxical saying. 2. expression in the manner of such a saying. "But this is a work that tends to rely on pithy epigrams, rather than build a sturdy narrative are about a young artist's awakening." Kerry Rein, Chicago Tribune, February 13, 2015
Did You Know? Ancient Greeks and Romans used the word epigramma (from Greek epigraphein, meaning "to write on") to refer to a concise, witty, and often satirical verse. The Roman poet Martial (who published eleven books of epigrams between 86 and 98 C.E.) was a master of the form: "You puff the poets of other days, / the living you deplore. / Spare me the accolade: your praise / Is not worth dying for." English speakers adopted the "verse" sense of epigram in the 15th century for a concise poem dealing pointedly and satirically with a single thought or event. In the late 18th century, we began using epigram for concise, witty sayings.
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