The logical thing would be that I just quit going to estate sales, but I am pretty sure that is not going to happen. Next on the list of logical things for me to do, would be to quit buying clocks. That is a possibility, for sure. I have no more room for clocks in the Curious House. This happened today: I was doing just fine at the first three estate sales we went to, I had spent $6 and I was feeling pretty good about everything. Then we got to the last sale, and there were a bunch of clocks. And everything was half price. I figured out what the half price would be on the four clocks (three wall clocks and one mantel clock), and made them an offer for less. The lady did not bat an eye, and she said okay. PLUS, she knew who I was, which kind of freaked me out. She is also a REALTOR®, but she also said she worked at the Holiday Inn I worked out when I transferred here from New Orleans. I think it is weird that she remembered me after 40 years, but I guess that stuff happens. I do not remember her at all. And then, she asked me if I wanted the 'grandfather' clock, and if I did, she would give it to me for free. Well, hell, I couldn't pass that up, and I am pretty sure the grandfather clock and the three wall clocks will live a happy life in the garage, where I have expanded my collections of 'stuff.' Yes, we did have a nice walk this morning, and a cold front has settled in now. Strong winds from the north. I do have some bluebonnets coming up in the front bed, so I am happy about that. After the estate sales, Judy, Marian and I went to a water conservation meeting in Georgetown, and I came away with a few more bluebonnets that I will plant tomorrow. I also need to clear the dead morning glories from the wall and get that area ready for passion vines. Brunch is on for tomorrow, and that will be fun. But first, I will need to get that clock out of the Buzz.