Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 70/295, 2025 - Tuesday

I kind of took the day off today. Well, not really. Jay joined us for our morning walk, and we did solve a lot of the world's problems. After the walk, I got ready for a 9 o'clock zoom meeting, which caused me to miss the ROMEO breakfast. After the zoom, I really don't remember what I did, but taking a nap was not on the schedule. I know that I watered the outside plants, and took down much of the dead morning glory vines from the back wall. I didn't get all of them, but it looks better and is ready for spring vines. I am thinking of getting some passion vines to add to that wall, but the jury is still out on that. I am very disappointed in the fact that, I was trying to make my Amtrak reservation to go to DC in late May, but all the rooms were sold out. I am going to keep trying, two or three times a day, to see if any rooms come available. I was really excited to be taking the train, but I will just have to wait to see if it happens. Ugh. Deb and Jay took me to dinner tonight, and we went to Jimmy Vegas Smokehouse in Georgetown. Good bar-b-cue, and I like that place a lot. I will go in to Austin tomorrow, and I have a couple errands to run, and I am starting the book for book club, Margo's Got Money Trouble. I am hosting next week, so it would probably be good if I get the book read between now and then.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 69/296, 2025 - Monday

It was really kind of chilly this morning when we walked, me, Richard, Paul and Jay. Jay and Deb came in to town to attend the memorial service for Pam yesterday, and they are staying a couple extra days. Jay was the original walker, then I joined him, and it kind of snowballed. Deb and Jay moved to Vancouver (WA) a few years ago, and we all miss them very much. Monday, not too bad. I went in to the office this morning, and then I had a lunch meeting with Rebecca and Toni, very much fun getting to know them both, and lots of information shared. Then I headed home and took a quick nap. The girls are always happy to take a nap, and I am always happy to join them. I'm also on Ombudsman duty for Texas REALTORS® until the 15th, and I worked to complaints today. I was not able to get one case settled, but I am still working on the second one. You learn a lot when you volunteer for these different aspects of our profession, and I enjoy it a lot. Later on, Deb and Jay invited me and Richard and Marge for dinner, and we had a great dinner in Liberty Hill at Dahlia's. That make two REAL meals for me in one day, and that is something that rarely happens. Tomorrow will start with a walk, like almost every morning, and I will miss the ROMEO breakfast because I have a 9 o'clock zoom meeting. Dang it...I am trying to be better at NOT schedule things for Tuesday mornings, but I missed this one!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 68/297, 2025 - Sunday

Evans. Party of one! I made it to brunch this morning, and I was the only one there. It could have been the time change, it could have been they fell back to sleep, but it was okay. The chips and guac were really good, and I had it all to myself. Of course, we started the day with a walk, and then I had a couple things to do around the Curious House. I'm pretty sure I watched Sunday Morning, but I don't really remember what it was about. After brunch, I stopped at the HEB and bought a few things. Then I cancelled my Nom Nom subscription. That dog food is really more trouble than it was worth, and I kind of think it was too riche for Callie. Later in the day, Paul hosted the memorial service for Pam (today would have been her 74th birthday), and there were lots of people there from all over Texas and parts that are not Texas. It was a very nice memorial, and Pam is very missed by a lot of people. Deb and Jay are here from Vancouver (WA), and they are my house guests for the next couple days. Jay will walk with us in the mornings, and he will join us for ROMEO breakfast on Tuesday. Mike called this afternoon, he is threatening me with an intervention if I don't curb my clock buying. I have tried three of the four clocks I got yesterday, they don't work. Two more to go, but I will be visiting the clock shop later this week. Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 67/298, 2025 - Saturday

The logical thing would be that I just quit going to estate sales, but I am pretty sure that is not going to happen. Next on the list of logical things for me to do, would be to quit buying clocks. That is a possibility, for sure. I have no more room for clocks in the Curious House. This happened today: I was doing just fine at the first three estate sales we went to, I had spent $6 and I was feeling pretty good about everything. Then we got to the last sale, and there were a bunch of clocks. And everything was half price. I figured out what the half price would be on the four clocks (three wall clocks and one mantel clock), and made them an offer for less. The lady did not bat an eye, and she said okay. PLUS, she knew who I was, which kind of freaked me out. She is also a REALTOR®, but she also said she worked at the Holiday Inn I worked out when I transferred here from New Orleans. I think it is weird that she remembered me after 40 years, but I guess that stuff happens. I do not remember her at all. And then, she asked me if I wanted the 'grandfather' clock, and if I did, she would give it to me for free. Well, hell, I couldn't pass that up, and I am pretty sure the grandfather clock and the three wall clocks will live a happy life in the garage, where I have expanded my collections of 'stuff.' Yes, we did have a nice walk this morning, and a cold front has settled in now. Strong winds from the north. I do have some bluebonnets coming up in the front bed, so I am happy about that. After the estate sales, Judy, Marian and I went to a water conservation meeting in Georgetown, and I came away with a few more bluebonnets that I will plant tomorrow. I also need to clear the dead morning glories from the wall and get that area ready for passion vines. Brunch is on for tomorrow, and that will be fun. But first, I will need to get that clock out of the Buzz.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 66/299, 2025 - Friday

The weather cannot make up its' mind about what it wants to do. It was a lovely morning for a walk, and I think we got up into the 80s this afternoon. The high tomorrow may not make it out of the 70s, 60s on Sunday and a possible light freeze one day soon. I'm kind of confused about which day that might happen. I did go in to Austin this morning, I am waiting on a couple things to be delivered, but the trip a waste, maybe next week. Tomorrow there will be four estate sales, and that is always a fun time. Tomorrow I will be putting out the humming bird feeders, and I hope there will be more hummers this year. I have two pieces of King Cake left from Jimmie and Linda, and I am pretty sure there will only be one piece left after tonight. Listen up: If you are one of my colleagues that is going to DC around the first of June, consider this...I am taking the train (The Texas EAGLE) from Austin to DC and flying back when the meeting is over. What could be more fun? The trip will take about 51 hours, including a 5 hour layover in Chicago and a train change. I'm reserving a bedroom on the train that includes a sofa and chair (transforms to two beds overnight) a sink, toilet and shower, a dedicated attendant, lounge access, priority boarding and complimentary meals. The cost of the room is for two people, so if you want to join me, I will be taking applications and conducting interviews beginning next week. I think it will be nothing but fun, and I have nothing better to do with my time. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 65/300, 2025 - Thursday

I just can't figure out why I am not losing any weight. Well, I guess maybe it is just old age. Probably. Yes, we had a walk this morning, and we solved a lot of the problems of the world. The walk was one of my better accomplishments of the day. Okay, I did get a few things done around the house, did a little cleaning in the garage, adjusted the cameras outside the house (so I get a better view), took an inventory of lock boxes, and apparently a couple other things that I can't remember. I did register for a meeting in DC, June 1st and return June 5th. I'm thinking about taking a train up there and flying back. I think that would be interesting. I did logon to a zoom meeting this afternoon, and after that, I made a stop at the bank and went to the post office. Tonight will be all about television, and I think Callie is feeling better. She ate breakfast and dinner today, but I think I am stuck mixing their food with scrambled eggs. We shall see. Tomorrow they go to the beautiful parlor, and I can't decide if I will go in to the office or not. The first weekend of SXSW starts tomorrow, and my annual complaint of 'the city if full of freaks' will be felt by congestion and tourists. I am a little disappointed...I found out that a couple of the prescriptions I am no taking disqualify me for donating Platelets. They said I could donate if I did not take the prescriptions 48 hours before donating. I think that might defeat the purpose of the prescriptions.Comments?

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 64/301, 2025 - Wednesday

Yes, of course, the day started off with a good walk with Paul and Richard. It is good to be back in the groove of my daily habits. After the walk, I left the house about 9 o'clock, intending to be at Paulina's by 9:30. I did not get there until 10:30. Traffic was totally screwed up, but suddenly, it opened up and (once again) there was no obvious reason why traffic (on the Interstate and the service road heading south) were so terribly backed up. That was the end of my traffic issues for the day, and I did get Paulina to the airport in plenty of time for her flight. I headed in to the office and got a few things done, and then headed back to the Curious House. Callie is still not feeling well; she did not eat any breakfast this morning, but when I mixed her food with scrambled eggs, she devoured that for her dinner. Tonight was our monthly neighbors dinner, and I count 17 neighbors in the photo accompanying this journal entry. It was great, and my newest neighbors Gena and Billy joined us too. Back home, and it is almost time to call it a day. Tomorrow should be a relatively calm day, I have a few chores to take care of, and maybe a couple zoom meetings...I really cannot tell if there is one zoom or two for tomorrow, and maybe I have duplicated the entries. I will get it all figured out, and let you know tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 63/302, 2025 - Tuesday

It was Raining this morning, so there was no walk. I was only planning a half-walk anyway, since I had an appointment with the cardiologist at 8:30. That also meant no ROMEO breakfast, too. I walked away from the cardiologist appointment with two different prescriptions (net zero), and four new appointments for this or that. I am consciously NOT making appointments for Tuesdays anymore, since that interferes with the ROMEO breakfasts. I might also be able to start donating platelets again, all I have to do is find out if any of the prescriptions I am now taking would make me ineligible. I also had a quick zoom meeting today, and that might be the end of stuff for the rest of the week. I am on Ombudsman duty until the 15th of March, and that is always fun, interesting stuff. I plan to go by the office tomorrow (after I take Paulina to the airport), and I will stop at the blood bank on the way home. Fingers crossed. It has been windy as hell today, although I am not sure how windy it is in hell. Sustained winds of about 35 miles an hour, and gusts of about 50 miles an hour. The wind did knock a table on the back patio over, but no real damage for me, so far. The winds are supposed to die down throughout the night, we will see. Lots of roof damage, fences down, power lines down, brush fires, all of that. I will check the roof on the Curious House tomorrow, and I feel like everything should be okay. Tomorrow night is the neighbors dinner, and those are always fun. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 62/303, 2025 - Monday

I'm not sure if I had a good day or not. Nothing terrible happened to me physically, but emotionally I am kind of a puddle of mush. That may be a little strong, because when all is said and done, I know that I am a really lucky man. I should quit watching the news, but I can't. In the meantime, I bought myself a 'banana stand,' after seeing one at Mike and Norma's house during my visit. Plus, I just kind of like saying 'banana stand.' Try it, say 'banana stand' five times as fast as you can. About the third time, it sounds like a foreign country that we could insult because they did not thank us appropriately. But I digress, and I understand there is a thin line separating entertainment and politics, and I think I may be erasing it. Sorry. But, how do you like my banana stand? It's a purty one fer shure! We are expecting some weather overnight and into tomorrow, and I have a doctors appointment at 8:30. That means I will only be doing half a walk tomorrow, and no ROMEO breakfast. There will, however, be a total stranger Tuesday. Stand by.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 61/304, 2025 - Sunday

Yep, I am back home...it seems like a while, but that is all in my imagination. What is fact is, I have been gone two of the last three weeks. But, I will be home for about the next 90 days, and I am glad for that. The girls may or may not be glad for that, because I am pretty sure they get spoiled when they stay with Val, Paulina and Oliver. It was an early day, Mike got me to the airport about 9:30, the plane was scheduled to leave at 10:40, but there were delays. Oliver and Paulina picked me up at the airport, and I got home (with the girls) at about 3. Even though I would have preferred to stay in, I did get up and go to HEB for some provisions and I put gas in the white car. I did not have to worry with dinner, because Val made goulash and sent some home with me...delicious. Tomorrow I expect I will be walking, my steps has fallen off badly over the past week, but it will all work out. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 60/305, 2025 - Saturday

We got up this morning and took Mike's truck in to get two new tires, and then we headed off to the Lion Country Safari in Loxahatchee. Mike and Norma had been before, many years ago, and they were kind of disappointed that the animals were so sparse, but it was fun. After we did the driving part, we walked around the different exhibits. On the way home, we picked up Mike's truck, and then it was nap time. After naps, we went downtown for a little bit of shopping and then had dinner at DECK 84. I had fish and chips (two days in a row), Mike had the same, and NOrma had something delicious looking that was shrimpy and ricey. Not sure what it was. The restaurant was on one of the Intercoastal waterways, and it was great. Everything is SO green here, it will be fun, though, to get back home tomorrow. Paulina and Val and Oliver have been taking care of the girls, and she sent pictures this afternoon. After the debacle yesterday, I checked to see how many friends I had on Facebook, and so far it looks like only about 30 people unfriended me. I guess that is one way to cull the herd.