Thursday, March 6, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 65/300, 2025 - Thursday

I just can't figure out why I am not losing any weight. Well, I guess maybe it is just old age. Probably. Yes, we had a walk this morning, and we solved a lot of the problems of the world. The walk was one of my better accomplishments of the day. Okay, I did get a few things done around the house, did a little cleaning in the garage, adjusted the cameras outside the house (so I get a better view), took an inventory of lock boxes, and apparently a couple other things that I can't remember. I did register for a meeting in DC, June 1st and return June 5th. I'm thinking about taking a train up there and flying back. I think that would be interesting. I did logon to a zoom meeting this afternoon, and after that, I made a stop at the bank and went to the post office. Tonight will be all about television, and I think Callie is feeling better. She ate breakfast and dinner today, but I think I am stuck mixing their food with scrambled eggs. We shall see. Tomorrow they go to the beautiful parlor, and I can't decide if I will go in to the office or not. The first weekend of SXSW starts tomorrow, and my annual complaint of 'the city if full of freaks' will be felt by congestion and tourists. I am a little disappointed...I found out that a couple of the prescriptions I am no taking disqualify me for donating Platelets. They said I could donate if I did not take the prescriptions 48 hours before donating. I think that might defeat the purpose of the prescriptions.Comments?

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