Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 63/302, 2025 - Tuesday

It was Raining this morning, so there was no walk. I was only planning a half-walk anyway, since I had an appointment with the cardiologist at 8:30. That also meant no ROMEO breakfast, too. I walked away from the cardiologist appointment with two different prescriptions (net zero), and four new appointments for this or that. I am consciously NOT making appointments for Tuesdays anymore, since that interferes with the ROMEO breakfasts. I might also be able to start donating platelets again, all I have to do is find out if any of the prescriptions I am now taking would make me ineligible. I also had a quick zoom meeting today, and that might be the end of stuff for the rest of the week. I am on Ombudsman duty until the 15th of March, and that is always fun, interesting stuff. I plan to go by the office tomorrow (after I take Paulina to the airport), and I will stop at the blood bank on the way home. Fingers crossed. It has been windy as hell today, although I am not sure how windy it is in hell. Sustained winds of about 35 miles an hour, and gusts of about 50 miles an hour. The wind did knock a table on the back patio over, but no real damage for me, so far. The winds are supposed to die down throughout the night, we will see. Lots of roof damage, fences down, power lines down, brush fires, all of that. I will check the roof on the Curious House tomorrow, and I feel like everything should be okay. Tomorrow night is the neighbors dinner, and those are always fun. 

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