Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 64/301, 2025 - Wednesday

Yes, of course, the day started off with a good walk with Paul and Richard. It is good to be back in the groove of my daily habits. After the walk, I left the house about 9 o'clock, intending to be at Paulina's by 9:30. I did not get there until 10:30. Traffic was totally screwed up, but suddenly, it opened up and (once again) there was no obvious reason why traffic (on the Interstate and the service road heading south) were so terribly backed up. That was the end of my traffic issues for the day, and I did get Paulina to the airport in plenty of time for her flight. I headed in to the office and got a few things done, and then headed back to the Curious House. Callie is still not feeling well; she did not eat any breakfast this morning, but when I mixed her food with scrambled eggs, she devoured that for her dinner. Tonight was our monthly neighbors dinner, and I count 17 neighbors in the photo accompanying this journal entry. It was great, and my newest neighbors Gena and Billy joined us too. Back home, and it is almost time to call it a day. Tomorrow should be a relatively calm day, I have a few chores to take care of, and maybe a couple zoom meetings...I really cannot tell if there is one zoom or two for tomorrow, and maybe I have duplicated the entries. I will get it all figured out, and let you know tomorrow.

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