Monday, March 10, 2025

Volume 17 - Day 69/296, 2025 - Monday

It was really kind of chilly this morning when we walked, me, Richard, Paul and Jay. Jay and Deb came in to town to attend the memorial service for Pam yesterday, and they are staying a couple extra days. Jay was the original walker, then I joined him, and it kind of snowballed. Deb and Jay moved to Vancouver (WA) a few years ago, and we all miss them very much. Monday, not too bad. I went in to the office this morning, and then I had a lunch meeting with Rebecca and Toni, very much fun getting to know them both, and lots of information shared. Then I headed home and took a quick nap. The girls are always happy to take a nap, and I am always happy to join them. I'm also on Ombudsman duty for Texas REALTORS® until the 15th, and I worked to complaints today. I was not able to get one case settled, but I am still working on the second one. You learn a lot when you volunteer for these different aspects of our profession, and I enjoy it a lot. Later on, Deb and Jay invited me and Richard and Marge for dinner, and we had a great dinner in Liberty Hill at Dahlia's. That make two REAL meals for me in one day, and that is something that rarely happens. Tomorrow will start with a walk, like almost every morning, and I will miss the ROMEO breakfast because I have a 9 o'clock zoom meeting. Dang it...I am trying to be better at NOT schedule things for Tuesday mornings, but I missed this one!

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