Sunday, October 27, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 301/65, 2024 - Sunday

Mike and I did all sorts of things today, but I am getting forgetful about taking photos to post on these journal entries. We started with a nice walk with Paul and Richard, and then we went down for naps. We were going to have brunch, but the plans changed, and we had breakfast instead. We went to monument cafe about 9:30, had a nice breakfast, and then we hit two estate sales. While we were waiting on oour table, I saw one of the young ladies that played at the House Concert in September, and we had a nice chat. Much fun! I found things I could not live without at both of them (I think), and then we headed back home, and went back down for naps. Paulina and Val came over about 3 o'clock, and we went in to Walburg for dinner at the german restaurant, and after that we went over to Jimmie and Linda's for three games of Rummikub. Now, we are back home, and getting ready for tomorrow. I have a closing at 10, then Mike goes to the airport, so I think I may only do a half-walk. I think I need to leave the  house at about 8:30 to get to my 10 o'clock, but everything will work out just fine. It has been one hell of a few days with Mike, and it is always fun when we get to visit each other. I am probably the luckiest man in the world to have as many really great friends as I have. The photo here is of the violinist and the cellist from last night. The group was great, and if you missed it, I'm sorry.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 300/66, 2024 - Saturday

There is plenty more for me to tell about our trip to San Antonio and the Billy Joel/Sting concert, but I am tired and it has been a really interesting 24 to 36 hours. Tomorrow or Monday I will go into further comments about San Antonio, but until then, let's talk about today. I did not walk this morning, since I was not here, but I got in lots of walking yesterday, so I don't feel like I sloughed off anything. We left San Antonio this morning at 9AM, tried to go past the Alamo, but there is too much construction to get a view of it for Mike. Then we headed north and made the obligatory stop at Bucee's. Mike had never been to a  Bucee's, so it was an entertaining stop. We had bacon, egg and cheese tacos, and I got a cup of coffee, so I was set to keep driving towards the Curious House. I think if you put a video camera outside the door to Bucee's and got 12 hours of video of the people coming and going, it could have the potential of becoming the number one television show in China. There is probably no better representation of everyday Americans than that. Whatever. We got home, and immediately went down for a nap, and went in to Georgetown for dinner. We ate at a place called Willie's, which I had never been to, and it has been there for at least 6 years, just never stopped. We both had a nice salad, and then we made a stop at Galaxy  Bakery, and got scones for tomorrow. Maybe. And, tonight was House Concert night, and it was really a good evening. Three string students from Southwesters, violin, viola and cello. It was excellent, and I think everyone enjoyed it. Lots of great comments, and lots of fun. NOW, it is time to call it a day, and there will be more tomorrow. I promise.

Volume 16 - Day 299/67, 2024 - Friday

Well, it's actually Saturday as I am composing this entry, but day 299 was a good one. Started with a walk with Paul and Richard (he and Margie returned from Chicago on Thursday), and that was great. Shortly after that, we headed to San Antonio, via Gruene (for lunch), and then 19 of some of my very favorite people met up and we went to the Billy Joel/Sting concert. An excellent concert, that lasted over three hours. We had a pre-concert get together (thank you Eileen), and now the post-concert party is happening. I think I heard Ben just get back with tacos, and things are going to be quieting down while everyone is eating. I will talk about the concert more in tomorrows journal.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 298/68, 2024 - Thursday

Okay, today was a busy and interesting day. As usual, Paul and I had a nice walk, and we were joined by James and Mike. Good times. I headed in to the office, and got there about 10 o'clock. We are close to the end of the month, so there is always a lot of tiny pieces to pay attention to, and it is Thursday, so we had lunch from Sandy's, cheeseburger specials. I left the office about 1:30-ish and got home about 2:30-ish. My friend Vanessa was at a meeting in Round Rock, and she is spending the night here at the Curious House, and we are waiting on Phillip to arrive. His flight was delayed from Lubbock. At 5ive o'clock, the three of us went down to Linda and Jimmie's, we played one game of Rummikub, and then we headed to Taylor for catfish. YUM-EEE-GOOD. Dick and Margie got home from Chicago, good snow-birds that they are, and I saw Dick when I got home, gave him a big hug! I am pretty sure they are tired, and I will take a few months of mail to them tomorrow morning. It will be the first walk with Dick in several months, and we are looking forward to it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 297/69, 2024 - Wednesday

I picked Mike up from the airport this afternoon abut 2:30, and we headed to the Curious House. We had dinner (BBQ) at Johnny Vega's in Georgetown and then headed back. I am kind of nap deprived, but I survived. Jimmie and Linda picked us up and we went and had ice cream, and then we played a game of Rummikub. I have no idea how they came up with that game, but it is fun and easy to play, especially if you play like we do, and don't keep score. Mike and I then headed back to the Curious House, and we watched the programs we always watch on tv, we were just in the same room instead of texting each other about the programs. Paul and I had our morning walk, and I did all my usual morning things after that. Fake fall is over with and we are back to early summer. There is a 10% chance of rain in the next week to ten days, so that is like no real chance at all. I have to go in to the office tomorrow for a meeting or two, and then back home, and we are planning to go in to Taylor (Lucky Duck) for catfish. It is going to be a fun weekend visiting with friends and have a blast. On the way home from Georgetown, there was a wreck (or two) and firetrucks spread out here and there, but it cut down the traffic heading west, and that was a good thing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 296/70, 2024 - Tuesday

I have only been out of the house for our morning walk with Paul, and three or four times to take the girls out in the backyard. I will go out in a little while to check the mail. I did not go in to the office today, which was great, mainly because of traffic. An 18-wheeler rolled over and closed one of the roads in both directions for miles. AND...six railway cars carrying gravel decided it would be a good place to come off the tracks and lay on their sides. From all reports, traffic was award winning! But, I had already planned on staying at home today, taking another CE class from 9 until 4. It is hard for me to sit in one (or more) place for that long. We had an hour for lunch, and I actually took a nap, but now that particular CE need is finished for three years. I have a couple photos I can use for this journal entry, one is a screen shot of the class today, and the other is the one gracing above, a little bird taking advantage of the water I keep for them off the back deck. I am looking at my computer screen as I write this, and I have a series of sticky notes stuck to it, at least a few with cryptic coded messages that I have no idea their purpose. I'm kind of afraid to remove them, I may remember what they are at sometime, and by then I will have forgotten what happened to them. Life. 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 295/71, 2024 - Monday

Early voting started in Texas today, and I had intended to go early this morning to vote. I didn't make it. I got in to the office, had a couple meetings, visited a property, and then headed to Williamson County to vote. I got there about 2 o'clock, there were probably 50 people in line ahead of me (outside the building and winding their way down two long hallways inside), and there was no place to park. From the time I got there, it took me about 55 minutes until I was leaving the place, but that is done. I was going to stop for a pizza on the way home, but I apparently don't know where Domino's is on Williams Drive (I know it is there somewhere), and I didn't want to turn around and go back. I had a pimento cheese flip for dinner, and I have been craving soup, so I also had some soup. I have really been craving the saltine crackers more than the soup, but I think it is stupid to have a dinner made up of crackers only.  It was back up into the mid-80s today, but the house cools down enough overnight with the windows open, that I still don't have the AC turned on. I think it will be on Wednesday, we will be up into the 90s again. I think there is a new television in my future. The tv in my bedroom suddenly had a black streak in the middle...about 30% of the picture is black, maybe dark grey. Ugh. But, tvs are kind of cheap I think, heading into the Christmas season. I wonder how big of one I can get? 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 294/72, 2024 - Sunday

I guess this is a sign of the times...I joined friends at this place two weeks ago for brunch, and when we showed up there this morning, this sign greeted us. I think they had a good business, it was always busy when we were there, Only explanation is maybe there was a rent increase, maybe there are other things I am not privileged to know. We (me, Alisha and Reuben) went to the Original Pancake House, one of my favorite places after Paulina and Val introduced it to me a few months ago. We had a great brunch, and then it was back home. I did stop at HEB for a few grocery things, less than $40, and then headed home for a nap. Later on, I went to Michael's to have a print (that I got in Arles a few months ago) framed, and it will be ready in a couple weeks. Overall, it was a nice day, I finished reading (listening to) at book that Jay recommended to me, called Following Atticus, and I will give it a day or two before I start a new book. I have a recommendation from Kristen at the blood bank (We Are Blood) for a book called Bride by Ali Hazelwood. She said it is an easy read, and that is just what I need about now. Has anybody read it? Opinions? Also thinking about Goyhood, by Reuven Fenton which sounds interesting. I am always open to new books, so let me know if you have any favorites. Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, it was 55 degrees, and it should be about ten degrees warmer tomorrow morning. We will be back up to the mid-90s by the middle of the week, and then (maybe) some cooler weather this coming weekend. I am truly tired of the fake fall.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 293/73, 2024 - Saturday

We may actually be experiencing some fall weather right now, I am not sure what the high temperature was in central Texas today (I did not see any local news because of football), but I think it was probably 85 degrees or so. How is that for being vague? When Paul and I walked this morning, it was 61 degrees, according to my thermometer. Not bad for a nice walk. My housekeeper came today for the first time since May, I am expecting house guests later this week, so at least the dust has been moved around a little bit. Estate sales today were pretty good and we all came home with a little or a lot, depending on which person you are. After estate sales, I went on a little excursion to the french bakery and the European grocery in Round Rock. I had every intention of stopping at HEB on the way home, but I could not think of anything I was in desperate need of, so I didn't. I may stop on the way home from brunch tomorrow. I forgot to mention this, but a few days ago, I got into a miniature road rage incident. I was accused of driving 10 miles per hour on a 20 mile per hour street. Whatever. I am not even sure my little white car can go only ten miles per hour, but the worst part was when I started laughing at the offended driver. Again, whatever. This hot rod belongs to my across the street neighbor, Ralph. I think it is pretty cool, and I wish I could get white wall tires like that somewhere, I think they make it the best.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 292/74, 2024 - Friday

It's been a long day...a good day, but a long day and I am kind of tired. It's 8:45 right now, and I was out after dark, which is something I seldom do! Tonight was our neighbors dinner, and we had dinner at the Walburg German Restaurant (in Walburg, duh), in honor of Oktoberfest. There were 14 of us in attendance, which may or may not be record attendance. We all had good dinners, good conversations and a good time. I stopped on the way home and got gas in the little white car, and when I stopped to check my mail, the console will not open up, which is where I have the mail box key. I will worry about it tomorrow. The day started, as usual, with a nice morning walk with Paul. Two days in a row I have worn a light jacket for the walk, and probably will again tomorrow, but then things will be warming up again. After the walk, I headed in to the office, touched what needed to be touched, and left the offie about noon to grab a sandwich and donate some platelets. Platelets only today, no plasma. I think it is interesting how the machine checks certain measure in a blood sample, and decides what I will be donating. Last time, it was double platelets and plasma. I made it home, and had a quick meeting at the Curious House at 5 o'clock, and then shortly after that, I headed to dinner. Other than that, I did little of anything today.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 17/291, 2024 - Thursday

Yes, today was as busy as I had anticipated, but not as busy as it could have been. I did not walk this morning because I had an 8:15 appointment in Austin. GoogleMaps said it would take 45 minutes to get there, but it really took an hour-and-a-half. I left earlier than GoogleMaps said I needed to, and I got there right on time. It was a nice breakfast meeting, and it was a lot of fun seeing friends and colleagues. Then it was off to the office, where I was a total failure for my 10:30 zoom meeting, because I could not find the link to the zoom, and no one I texted responded. Maybe the meeting was a fig-newton of my imagination. Bottom line, I spent that hour doing other things, and left the office about noon to get home in time for my 1:30 zoom meeting. I did have the link for that meeting, and the girls were happy that I was spending some (kind of) quality time with them. That zoom went nicely, and we got all our stuff done early and the meeting was not as long as we had anticipated. We have one more day of fall like weather, and then it will be late summer again in central Texas. I will take full advantage of it though. Tomorrow I will go in to the office, then to let loose of some platelets and plasma, and then we are having our neighborhood dinner tomorrow evening. Fun all around.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 290/76, 2024 - Wednesday

The seasons changed overnight in central Texas, but we will be back to fake fall a week from yesterday. For now, we will enjoy the cooler weather. The air conditioner has not run at all today, I left a few windows open during the day, and it is very comfortable in the house. Speaking of being comfortable, Callie seems very much to be doing better, the pills she is taking cause her to slow down a bit (not enough) and she seems to be doing better. She is somewhat leery of me carrying her up and down the stairs, and lifting her up onto the bed of the chair. Trying to keep her from jumping and causing more injury to whatever it is she injured. The office was totally under control today, and tomorrow will be a busy day. Meeting at 8:15, a zoom at 10:30, and another zoom at 1:30. Then, there is nothing much on my Friday calendar. The overnight low temperature is going to be in the high 40s, and I may have to close a window or two. Maybe. In my opinion, the postal service did not deliver mail to the Curious House yesterday. I was alerted that there would be nine pieces of mail delivered, but none appeared. I last checked at 8:20 last night, and again this morning on my way to the office. I will go check todays delivery after I post this entry, and there is more chatter on NextDoor about the mail delivery in the neighborhood. I have no real issues with the Postal Service, it works well for me most of the time. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 289/77, 2024 - Tuesday

Paul aborted his walk this morning and I decided to do half a walk, but I turned around and came back home before I got half-way done with my half-a-walk. Callie started acting sluggish and lethargic  yesterday, and she was not doing any better this morning when we got up, so I made her am appointment at the vets for this afternoon. Apparently, although we are not sure yet, she has a strained or ruptured disc, maybe nothing that extreme since there was a lot of talking at the vets, and she is now on anti-inflammatory drugs which is supposed to make her feel better. No running, no jumping, nothing like that for the next two weeks. I am not sure how I am supposed to control that when I am out of the house, but one thing for sure is I am not putting her in a kennel while I am out of the house. The cold front is supposed to come in overnight, and I am going to crank the HVAC down and open windows tonight before I crash. Maybe it will cool the house down without air conditioning, and that would be nice. Fresh air is always good. Tomorrow should be a quiet day, Thursday will be a very busy day, and Friday will be kind of quiet, I will give some platelets and plasma and then enjoy the Supper Club for dinner at the Walburg German Restaurant. Good times!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 288/78, 2024 - Monday

I bought two baskets of Dianthus yesterday, to put in two empty pots on the back patio for a little color. They like full sun, so they are in the right place. It was not a record breaker today in central Texas, but it was (I think) 96 degrees today. Tomorrow is forecast to be 99 degrees, which will break a record, and overnight into the morning on Wednesday, we are looking for a cold front. HAHA. It will lower the daytime temperatures to the mid-80s, and that will be very welcome. The problem is, there is still no, or very little chance of precipitation in the ten day forecast. I am pretty sure it will work out in the end, one way or another. Not a bad day today, Paul and I had a nice walk, and I got in to the office at about 9:30. It was very quiet, and I left for the Curious House at about noon-30 or 1 o'clock. Traffic on the way in was not terrible (there was no school today) but on the way home there was something, not sure what, that had traffic backed up for miles. It did take about thirty minutes longer than usual to get home. I have been worried about Callie all day, she was not acting very feisty after breakfast this morning, and then this afternoon, she seemed better. Now, after dinner, she is acting lethargic, so I will be keeping my eyes on her. Hmmm. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 287/79, 2024 - Sunday

Okay, this needs to stop. It was 101 degrees in central Texas today, the highest recorded temperature this late in the year, since records have been being kept. And it may happen again tomorrow and Tuesday. Expecting a cold front (hahaha) to arrive overnight Tuesday into Wednesday morning, so we shall see what that will do for us. All I can say, is...never min, this is a family journal! Anybody want to play corn hole? Leisa and her crew are ready for you, but I am pretty sure you need to bring your own skull. Yesterday I figured out that I had created a major cluster f*uck, but I got it all worked out before noon today, so all is well that ends well. I was also very productive today. Paul and I had a nice walk, I went to Target, got the red car washed, went to HEB and Home Depot, and by about 1:30 I was naked until about 4:30. When I do laundry, I DO laundry! So that is just kind of the frosting on the cake. I had Shepherd's Pie for dinner, compliments of Pam and Paul, and I have enough left over for three of four more meals. Tomorrow is a Holiday, so I expect traffic to be light when going in to Austin, and the week ahead should be relatively quiet. Have a great week everybody!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 286/80, 2024 - Saturday

This is (apparently) the 50th Anniversary of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and what I have taken away from that fact is, I am really old. Fifty Years? I graduated from High School 55 years ago, so I guess that is about right. Since we both woke up and were both breathing, Paul and I had a nice walk this morning. After that, I took off for estate sales with Pam, Judy and Marian. I bought a few things, and I can remember some of the things I bought. I found something in the car this afternoon that I bought at an estate sale about three weeks ago, so even I am finding new stuff at the Curious House. After estate sales, Eileen and Tom came over and we had a nice visit. Then it was down for a nap, and Paulina and Oliver came over and we headed out for dinner. While at dinner, I had a text from Pam that Paul was on his way over with a plate full of Shepherd's Pie. I occasionally feel like Sally Field, but I will happily accept that notion. I am not sure, yet, what I have on the schedule for tomorrow. I know I need to go to the grocery, and I should do some laundry, but you never know. I also need to get the car washed, but I don't want to plan too much. I need a couple baskets of mums, too, so who knows? HEB or Home Depot seems to be in my future. Oliver had pork ribs at dinner, and I brought bones home for the girls, so that will be a treat for them later!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 285/81, 2024 - Friday

Well, I had not intended to go in to the office today, but when I looked at my calendar, I realized that I forgot about an 11:30 meeting at ABoR. SO, since I would be close, I went in for a few minutes, touched a few things, and then took off for my meeting. After the meeting, I headed back to the Curious House by way of HEB to get gas in the little white car. Of course, Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, and after the walk, I took it slow getting ready to head in to town. Parts of the meeting were interesting to me...about a months worth of stuff was compacted in to less than two minutes! There was a suggestion made, and we went from not a bad idea to why it could not be done in record time. I mentioned that fact as well, and I just think it was interesting. We shall see how it all works out. Over the weekend, we are expecting record high temperatures here in central Texas, but we are expecting a cool down next week, more in line with average high temperatures, only in the mid 80s. Rumor has it there is another system out in the Atlantic, but I have not seen anything on the news, so I will keep watching to see what is happening. This guy was hanging out in the morning glory leaves this morning, and it is interesting to study them up close, and realize how prehistoric he looks. He hung around while I went in the Curious House to get my phone for the pic. Kind of creepy, too.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 284/82/, 2024 - Thursday

None of my friends and colleagues that live in Florida have been injured, and most property damage has been minimal. As far as I know. There are still peeps that I have not heard from, and I have my fingers crossed that I will have more information soon. It was cool this morning when James and Paul and I took our walk, and I got in to the office with minimal traffic challenges. It was a good day in the office, I had some chores to get done, and I got them done, and I left for the Curious House at about 1:30. I made a stop at HEB for some muffins (banana nut) for the next few day breakfasts. I like making an egg loaf and crumbling a muffin up in it. Yummy! And...the girls like it too. I am not going in to Austin tomorrow, at least that is the plan right now. That could change. We have had rain one time since the first week of September, but the last two weeks of October forecast says we will have more precipitation than average. High 90s from now until Tuesday, when we get some cooler weather. The weekend is looking good, I have a few things on the schedule for Saturday, and right now, Sunday is pretty open. They were protesting in front of City Hall this afternoon when I was heading home, which is not unusual, but I was able to get a photo of this for documentation. Protest on! Our book club selection for October is The Shining, and so far as best as I can remember, it is nothing like the movie.No nightmares so far...

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 283/83, 2024 - Wednesday

As of tonight, I am marking my groceries (refrigerated) with the expiration dates with a Sharpie, so I can see what may kill me easier. Tomorrow is trash day, so I am contributing some hummus that had something growing in it that was not hummus. I am now eating carrots and celery with hummus that expired about five weeks ago, but it smells okay, or at least as okay as roasted garlic hummus can smell. You know the drill, if I wake up dead tomorrow, ask the coroner to check for the hummus. Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, but for the second time this week, we passed each other looking for each other, and neither one of us is aware how we can walk past each other, going opposite directions, and not know that we passed the other one. Whatever. Office was good today, but getting to the office was a bit of a challenge. There were four wrecks along the way, including one where the vehicles were laying on their sides, and another one where the cars had apparently spun around a couple times and were heading in the wrong direction. I left the office early since I got in late, and stopped at the Volkswagen and put my name on the list for the new iD Buzz. Maybe sometime in November. We shall see. This weekend is the second weekend of the Austin City Limits Music Fest, which means I will not be going in to the office on Friday. I could easily get used to that. Ugh...what is going on with all the hurricanes? My friends in Florida have either fled or are hunkering down, and it is a total mess. This is a genuine offer, but I know the Curious House is kind of far away, but if you need shelter, let me know, there is plenty of room.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 282/84, 2024 - Tuesday

Oh, Lord, I am too old for sitting on my butt for several hours a day. I attended a continuing education class today from 9 until 4. It was a good class, but that was also a long seven hours. The day started with a good walk with Paul, but because of the class, there was no ROMEO breakfast. The girls were glad that I was home all day, and they stayed here in the office with me for the whole thing. After the class, I ran one errand, and that is about all I did the whole day. I did make a few phone calls during breaks and the lunch time, but the calls did not achieve the intended purpose. No rain in our forecast for the next ten days, but those poor people in Florida, getting ready to be hit again. Weird weather, and I have absolutely no reason to believe the conspiracy theories floating around about 'manufactured' hurricanes and hurricane 'manipulation.' Some folks got nothing better to do. I tell you what, sit next to me for seven hours and you will have a theory about a whole lot of different conspiracies!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 281/85, 2024 - Monday

Monday. Overall, not terrible as Monday's go. Paul and I had a nice walk, even though we passed each other without even knowing it. We both thought we were heading toward each other to start the walk, but we passed each other without knowing. We must have been concentrating on something. I got in to the office about 10 o'clock, there were a few traffic issues on my way in. I took care of posting rent checks and making deposits, and then it was daily business for a while. I left the office at about 2 o'clock, and had no real issues getting home. I finished my most recent book, The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared. A very fun book, I highly recommend it for easy reading and enjoyable. Now, the October book club choice, since it's Halloween month, The Shining. I saw the movie, but when we read books that were also movies, the books are generally better than the movie, in my humble opinion. Tomorrow I am taking a full day class, 9AM until 4PM. So, that just means that I don't have to wear pants. Halloween is starting to let itself be known in the neighborhood, and this is Leisa and Greg's house. They are on a corner, and the corner is a school bus stop, so very creative. Does anyone want to live next door to the Curious House? My neighbor is moving in with his girlfriend, so he is leasing his home. Let me know if you know anyone interested. I was going to write something else here, but I forgot what it was. Oops.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 280/86, 2024 - Sunday

Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, and when I got home, I get the girls fed, but I didn't eat because I had a brunch date with Alisha, Reuben and Terry. Terry got called in to work, so he didn't make it. On the way back from brunch, I stopped at one of the estate sales I visited yesterday, and I bought a couple things at 75% discount. Sweet! I got home, and can't really think of anything I did, but I left at about 1:30 and hit another estate sale that I went to yesterday, and dropped some more cash on things I desperately needed for 50% off. I am done for this weekend. I went down for a nap, and maybe did a few more things around the house, I'm not sure. Val and Paulina came over at about 4:30, and we went in to Georgetown for dinner at Grumpy George's. Grumpy George's opened earlier this year and has always been too busy to get inside, but it was early, and we got in with no trouble. Dinner was good, and when we got back to the Curious House, I tried logging on to the PADI website to try and get a copy of my Open Water Diving Certification, so I can get a wallet card. That didn't work, so I sent a 'help' message, and I expect I should have all the stuff I need by the end of the week. No rush. The coming week should be kind of quiet, I am taking a full day class on Tuesday, and another one on the 22nd. Of course, football is in the way of 60 Minutes, and there is a Music Awards show on when football is over, so I will see what else I can find. Always something. Oh yeah, I just remembered, I got the humming bird feeders cleaned, and they will be put in storage for the rest of the year, waiting on spring to put them back outside.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 279/87, 2024 - Saturday

The cottage cheese I am eating had an expiration date of sometime in August, and August was not that long ago, so I tastes okay. BUT, if I wake up dead in the morning, you all know what to do! Paul did not walk this morning, he had some stuff to do, and he let me know last night. I took advantage of the 'day off,' and I stayed in bed until a little bit after 6 o'clock this morning. Once I got up, I did some putzy stuff around the house (including my favorite thing, straightening up stuff in the garage), and then sat in the big chair with the girls watching the news. I got the girls (and myself) fed, and then did a few more things before setting off for estate sales with Judy, Marian and Diane. Nothing too exciting, but there are two sales I may go back to tomorrow. After the estate sales, I had to go by the bank, then I stopped and had a sandwich, and then did some grocery shopping. Since I quit buying dog food (and now subscribe to Nom Nom), I don't spend that much money at HEB anymore. Not a bad trade off, but Nom Nom is not inexpensive. The dogs like it, but I am pretty sure they like anything that I put in their bowls. Okay, let's face it, I am pretty sure they would eat anything, even if they didn't like it. We do have plans for brunch tomorrow, and I think Paulina and I are going to dinner tomorrow evening. I am a lucky man!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 278/88, 2024 - Friday

I didn't do much of anything today, but I am tired. Paul and I had a nice walk, and then I took it easy for a while. I planned to NOT go into the office today, and that worked out very well. I left the house to get a few things done, first off was a trip to the bank, and then on in to Austin. First stop in Austin was to the clock shop, where I picked up one of the clocks that I had taken in for repair on Tuesday. I love the clock shop, and I took a few extra minutes just to talk with the owners. I could probably hire someone part time just to take care of the clocks. People ask me how many clocks I have, and I have no idea, and I have no intention of counting them. I felt the same way about hay bales, but that is a way different story. After the clock shop, I went to Taco Shack for some lunch, and then to the Blood Bank for a donation. Today was double platelets AND plasma day, and i am really happy with that. I got there early, and got finished early. Nothing really exciting on the way home, but I wanted to get home because I was expecting two deliveries. One delivery was a months worth of food for the girls (Nom Nom), which arrives frozen, so I don't want it sitting outside in the heat. The other was my new Apple credit card. Apparently I have had the old Apple card long enough that they thought I needed a new one. It also seems that I have become an 'Apple' person. I have an iPhone, an apple watch, two Apple MacBooks and an Apple desktop. The only computer I use that is not an Apple is the computer in the office. Apparently I transitioned and did not even know it, but it works okay. Estate sales tomorrow, and a lot of nothing, just like I like it! 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 277/89, 2024 - Thursday

As far as I am concerned, today is Friday. It's really Thursday, but the ACL Fest starts tomorrow, so I am not going in to the office. I do have an appointment to donate platelets tomorrow afternoon, so I will do that, but not get into the Zilker area, where the freak per capita proportion multiplies 10 fold. Nope, not gonna do it. James and Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, and that is always nice. I actually shaved this morning, and I think I am on at least a 5 or 6 day shaving rotation. I see no real need to be clean shaven for most days, and so far it is working. Staying on the this is Thursday theme, since it was Thursday, that meant is was cheeseburger special day at Sandy's. That is really one good reason to go into Austin on Thursday. After lunch, I had some accounting stuff to get done, and I left the office about2 o'clock, I think. I stopped on the way home and got the little white car washed, and then got gas in the little white car. All is ready for the weekend, and some estate sales on Saturday. I am not sure, but I believe the subject of the photo gracing this journal entry is a moth. Maybe a butterfly, but I think moths are more prominent. I have been graced by five or six (at least) of these peeps hanging around in the back yard every day for months. They apparently really like this one particular Texas native flowering plant I am trying my best to keep healthy. This is the second year for these natives, and they are attracting just what they are supposed to attract.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 276/90, 2024 - Wednesday

Well, for the most part, Wednesday has come and gone. As usual, the day started out with a nice walk, and then it was time for some cereal for me, Nom Nom for the girls. Honestly, I have had more meals today than I have had in YEARS. If you count the cereal and the banana this morning. Eileen came by the office around 12:30 to drop off some TREPAC stuff, and then we went and said hello to Holly, where I picked up some No Hunger, Inc. stuff. Then we went back to the office and had lunch at El Mercado, next door to the office. I ate WAY too much, but it was really good. I left the offie about 2:30, and I knew Jimmie and Linda and I were going to Taylor tonight for catfish. I have been craving catfish for a long time, and we finally got it together to go. So, three meals in one day and that is totally unusual for me. I forgot to take a picture of the catfish until it was too late, but here is a photo of the fries and slaw. I can't think of too much else I got accomplished today, but I have big plans for the next several days. Not really. Friday starts the first weekend of the Austin City Limits Music Festival, which means the city will be full of freaks, my annual observation. I will go in to the office in Friday, but I will leave the office about noon to give another batch of platelets. My escape route! Now I need another plan for next weekend.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 275/91, 2024 - Tuesday

Okee Dokee is Tuesday, and that means it is Total Stranger Tuesday. This one was pretty easy, there were a couple potential victims, but this lady won out. But...before the breakfast, Paul and I had a nice walk, although it was a lot more humid than it had been in the last couple days. Once we got to breakfast, Rick, Paul and I tried our best to train a new server...his name is Regan (not Reagan, but maybe RayGun, I'm not sure). We had never seen him before, and he said he does not usually work on Tuesdays. He was nice, and the four of us had a lot of fun, but we always have fun at the ROMEO breakfasts. I took off to Austin after that, but I had one stop to make first. I had four clocks in the car to take to the repair shop. I was all hot to buy a new clock, too, but I couldn't decide which one I wanted to buy. I think I got caught up in the 'not making a decision' challenge on Sunday, when Oliver went to buy a pair of shoes, but couldn't make up his mind, so he bought nothing. Can you believe it is October already? Well, it is. The first of the month at our little company is a little bit busy, and it was a busy day, but we all survived. After I got home, I took a little nap, and then went to a HOA meeting, it was a really well done meeting, and it was just a planning meeting before we have our annual meeting in November. There is a lot of stuff our association needs to do before we have that meeting. Now I am watching the VP debate, and completing this journal. Tomorrow, after work, Linda and Jimmie and I are going to Taylor for catfish. I can't wait!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 274/92, 2024 - Monday

98 degrees is not 100 degrees. Yes, that is true, and it has to be true, since one of our local weather peeps just relayed that fact on the 6 o'clock news. Apparently, broadcast news is even more reliable than Facebook, so I will take his word for it. In my opinion, 98 degrees, the forecast for October 1st in central Texas, is just too damn hot. Whatever. It was a lovely cool morning here when Paul and I were taking our morning walk. I then took my time getting ready to head in to the office, and the last day of the month was not too rigorous, for which we are always grateful. I left the office at about 1:30 (I think), and I had no errands to run on the way home, and it was an uneventful ride. There were some traffic delays this morning, and it was one of my longer commutes in to the city in a long time. I don't have anything of any significance on my list to get accomplished this evening, so soon after I publish this journal entry, I will go check today's mail, and then head for the big chair. I am looking forward to the ROMEOs breakfast in the morning, and that is always fun. These morning glories are volunteers, and I put these little plastic pickets around them to keep the yard man from destroying them. I may be sorry I am nurturing these, but I also expect I have made worse decisions in my life.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 273/93, 2024 - Sunday

I would say that I got about 70% of the chores on my weekend list done. Some items are 50% completed, some aren't going to be completed. But it is okay. Paul and I had a good walk this morning, and then I took off for brunch with Paulina and Oliver. Val had been called in to work, so he didn't join us. We went to the Original Pancake Man, which I only discovered about a month ago, but it is now one of my favorites. After that, we went to Dick's Sporting Goods in the Domain for Oliver to buy a pair of shoes, but he couldn't decide which shoes he wanted. After dropping them off at home, I went to Home Depot. I needed a new hose for the front yard, and while trying to get that hose off the hose roller thing, I broke it and had to buy a new one. Ugh. But it is all better now. When I got home, I went down for a serious nap, and the girls are happy to accommodate me in that endeavor, so we all had long naps. I did not do any more vacuuming, but that can wait. I did get a few non-consequential things done, so the day was not a total loss. Nothing I did today required a ladder or a hammer, and that is always a win. While I was at Home Depot, I saw this couple...I passed them once and snickered at them, and then I was in line behind them. I struck up a conversation, and asked the man what aisle he found the lady on, and if they were on special. We laughed and kidded for a while, and it was fun, even though, most of the people in line with us were not amused, and now I wish I had followed then to see how she got out of the cart. OH, update on my laundry task yesterday. It seems I can neither confirm nor deny that I actually put laundry detergent in the washer. I definitely put the Downy Crisp Rain and Blue Eucalyptus in, along with the Multipurpose oxi-based cleaner in, but I am 82% certain that I forgot to put in the actual laundry detergent. All the clothes smell good, so that is a win.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 272/94, 2024 - Saturday

It was kind of a busy day today. As usual, Paul and I had a nice walk, and then, after feeding the girls (and me), I went back down for a quick nap. I had a little energy surge, and did a few things around the house before Pam, Marian Judy and I headed out for estate sales. Three sales, and they we underwhelming, to be as generous as possible. Once I got home, I had something to eat, I'm pretty sure, and then went back down for a quick nap. The girls were due at the beautiful parlor at 1, and I got them there with a few minutes to spare. Then, back home where I vacuumed until the battery on the vacuum gave out, and I did laundry, too. Then it was back to get the girls, and tonight was the House Concert night, featuring the Southwestern University Jazz Pirates. They were great, and now it is past my bed time, but I am hungry, and sleepy and hungry is not a good combination. So far tomorrow, all I have on the schedule is pancakes with Val, Paulina and Oliver. Now, I am going to go rummage around in the kitchen.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 271/95, 2024 - Friday

Before you know it, it will be October. It was cool again this morning, and it is expected to last until (maybe) Wednesday of next week. Then, it will be back to hot, for those of us who don't consider the mid-90s at the end of September to be hot. We consider that tolerable. The walk this morning was excellent, and I, once again, took my time getting ready to go in to the office. I had one errand to run on the way in, and that was to stop at UPS to send Margie and Dick their mail. That may be the last package of mail, they will be back in Georgetown on the 24th of October. I got in to the office, and did what needed to be done, and then we went downtown to the annual Sine Die Smokers BBQ. I also brought some BBQ home with me, but I haven't eaten any of it yet. The photo accompanying this journal entry is me and Mace, the man that started his No Hunger charity many years ago, I want to say when he was 7 or 8. I think he is 17 now, and a Junior at Westlake High School. I wore my Westlake t-shirt for the occasion. I am pretty sure the BBQ was a big success, as I am also sure it gets better and better every year. We got back to the office, I did a little bit more, and headed home. I had two stops planned on the way home that would have entailed spending money. The first one was to Upper Crust Bakery where I intended to buy a couple muffins for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. They were about sold out of everything, so I bought nothing. I will not mention the second planned stop, but on the way I had a phone call about property management, and I missed the planned stop, so I decided it was fate that I should not make that purchase today. Maybe one day next week. Tonight was book club, and it did not take us long to discuss the book, The Wager, and we are set for October, reading The Shining, in honor of Halloween. Then we decided we needed to read something lighter, so November will be a rom com. Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 270/96, 2024 - Thursday

Okay, I will be quiet for a few minutes. It was about 63 degrees when I got up this morning, cool enough that I opened a few windows to get some fresh air in the house. James and Paul and I had a nice walk, and I am more sure that I did not break a sweat this morning. I took my time getting ready to go in to the office, and I got there right at 10 o'clock. I did office stuff, and had a meeting at about 12:45, then back to the office and then I left for home about 2:30. I made two stops on the way home, and I got home about 4:30. I had a pimento cheese flip for dinner, and then settled in to watch the news. The hurricane that is about to hit Florida has a lot of my attention. I fear there will be a lot of damage, and hopefully no one will be hurt with all this weather. I think the news of this hurricane will be reported well into next week. Five hundred miles across this storm. My friend Mike lives on the east coast of Florida, and so far they are doing okay. Fingers crossed. Tomorrow, we (the office) will go to the Sine Die Smokers 22nd Annual BBQ. I am pretty sure they are already cooking up a storm, and we are sponsors. It benefits the No Hunger charity of my friend Mace, who started this program about 8 or 9 years ago. He is 17 now. You too can support him and his work, just google No Hunger Inc, and feel free to help his fundraiser! ...and, before I forget, the glories are appreciating the cooler morning, too!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 269/97, 2024 - Wednesday

If the temperature is not in the lower 60s when I wake up in the morning, I am really going to be disappointed. Rumor has it that the humidity is down, but I am not feeling it. I don't think I actually broke a sweat this morning when Paul and I walked, so that is probably the best indicator. I actually shaved this morning before I left for the office, and I seem to be on a five day shave rotation. No sense getting carried away with personal hygiene. It was another quiet day in the office, just the kind of days I like. I got everything done that needed to get done, and I left the office about 1:30. I had two stops to make on the way home, one at Home Depot, and one at the girls vet. I had a notice that the girls were due for something, and I was trying to make an appointment for them. It turns out it was just time for their next refill on their monthly pills; fleas, heart worm, all that kind of stuff. Once I got home, I did some busy work, looking for some old documents, that I did not find. Maybe tomorrow. Or Friday. Saturday or Sunday. Maybe. Tonight was the neighbors dinner night, and there were ten of us. It was a LOT of fun, and a lot of good conversations, and lots of laughing. A fun time was had by all!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 268/98, 2024 - Tuesday

My delicate sensibilities were toyed with this morning. After our walk, I met Paul and Rick for our ROMEO breakfast. I spotted my Total Stranger Tuesday victims immediately upon being seated. They got up to leave, and I pitched my cause, but they would not have any of it. Rejected. Ugh. When breakfast was coming to a close, these to lovely strangers were seated right next to us, and they were happy to play! Mission accomplished! It was under 80 degrees when I got in the car to head in to the office, and I decided it was a top down day. Lovely. The rest of the week should be top down days in the mornings, too, and I am looking forward to that. It started out being a top down ride home, but that only lasted a couple miles. I did stop at HEB on the way home, filled the little white car with gas, and got some groceries. Watermelon, cantaloupe, bananas, boiled eggs, salad dressing, salad stuff, pre-made meals, milk, diet sodas, half an apple pie and some personal size frozen pizzas. I should go down the frozen foods aisle more often. These little pizzas were a dollar a piece! SCORE! I hope I like them, I bought six. When I got home, there were some promising looking clouds, but I think it is just another instance of my emotions being played with, this time by Mother Nature. Fingers crossed we get a little rain tonight. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 267/99, 2024 - Monday

I am still waiting on the promised cool down, Wednesday morning the low temperature should be below 70 degrees, and the high temperatures should be in the low 90s. That will all be welcome, but let's get some serious cooling down going, please. Our morning walk was good, and I am looking forward to the ROMEO breakfast tomorrow. The office was pretty quiet, and I did a lot of busy work. I left about 1:30, maybe later, having made an appointment to get my RSV shot at the Georgetown Walgreen's. It turns out that I had that shot last year. I don't really know how people are supposed to keep up with all the different shots and vaccines. I know about my Covid vaccines, and flu shots, and shingles vaccine, but I am at a loss for some other stuff. I have another pneumonia shot scheduled for September or 2028. and I understand I don't need any more RSV shots. Too much for my little pea brain. I considered doing some more vacuuming this evening, but I came to my senses and decided not to go to the trouble. I may still do some a little later, it depends on how interesting the television fare is later on. Tomorrow on the way home, I plan to stop at HEB and stock up on a few things. I had a stuffed salmon dinner this evening, and the expiration date on it was five days ago. So far, no ill effects, but keep it in mind if you determine I wake up dead later on. I need to take down the humming bird feeders, and store them away until next year. Always something to think abut doing! I could see the moon in the clouds during our walk this morning! Pretty.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 266/100, 2024 - Sunday

Well, today was a most excellent day, starting with the walk with Paul. We are looking forward to some cooler weather this coming week, and that will be great for the morning walks. And everything else that I do on a daily basis. After breakfast, the girls and went down to watch Sunday Morning and mix it up with a (possible) nap. Before Sunday Morning was over, I was bored with it and went and cleaned/organized and straightened out the garage. That chore is one of my favorite things to do. I even backed both the cars out and used the leaf blower to get the leaves and things off the floor. It is being a really incredible year for acorns here at the Curious House, and I cleaned them off the front patio and the driveway. I did a little bit of cleaning and tidying on the back patio and deck, too. Shortly after that, Val and Paulina and Oliver came over, and we went to an estate sale in Walburg, had lunch at the Walburg Restaurant, and went to another estate sale on the way home. I bought nothing, not because of any new found self control, but just because there was nothing left. Okay, are you sitting down? I vacuumed part of the house this afternoon. Not a lot of the house, just the parts that had the most dust lining the baseboards. I hope to not make it a habit going forward, but we will just see how this goes. Maybe an occasional vacuuming will not be too bad, I just don't want to commit to anything right now. Considering all the things I do as a result of my OCD, you would think vacuuming might have worked its' way into that trait, but nope. Note the photo accompanying this entry, if you look up, it makes multiple chins less apparent. You're welcome!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 265/101, 2024 - Saturday

After Paul and I finished our walk this morning, I came home, fed the girls, had some cereal, and went down for a nap. Not so much napping as watching the news and playing Wordle. I rousted myself up and got ready to hit the estate sales with Diane, Pam and Marian. One thing I had to do was to empty the car of things I bought at estate sales last week! Honestly, the sales were a disappointment, but I did manage to spend about $20, and everything I bought was half-price. Once I got home, I had something to eat (the rest of the stuffed cheesy bread from the pizza, it took me 8 days to eat it all), and then down for more naps. Honestly, it was a lazy kind of a day, not that there is anything wrong with that. I did take time to wash the Piglet's face, which she hates, but I think she is happier after each washing. They have appointments at the beautiful parlor next Saturday, and they will be all beautified after that. I don't have big plans for tomorrow, but I am having lunch with Val and Paulina and Oliver. This week coming is the neighbor's dinner on Wednesday, and book club on Friday. Hopefully, we will have a bit cooler weather, and maybe even some precipitation before the end of the year. The photo accompanying this entry is one of the items I bought at an estate sale today, and I don't know why, but it kind of reminds me of France. I wasn't out in the dark while in France, but it just makes me think of France. Go figure.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 264/102, 2024 - Friday

I got into a bit of an argument this morning while Paul and I were walking. There was a Georgetown truck in the sidewalk at the bottom of the hill, and another Georgetown truck parked in the grass between the Parkway and one of the streets down there. Nothing going on, so I knocked on the window of the first truck, asked him what they were doing. His truck had a flat, and the other guy (parked on the grass) had a compressor and put air in the tire. They were waiting on a third Georgetown truck to come out and change the tire. SO...move off the sidewalk and don't park on the grass. Do you drive across the grass of your front yard, no? Well then don't park on the grass of the subdivision. They said they have an easement, and if they needed to dig something up, they did not have to ask permission. Wait, so now your going to dig up the grass? No, it's just we have an easement. Go park in the parking lot. Whatever. It was just not a logical happening, and I felt driven to bring it to their attention. The rest of the walk was uneventful. It was a quick day in the office, and I had one chore to get done before I went and donated platelets. I always feel happy when I donate platelets. I like all the folks there, and enjoy visiting with them while I have a needle stuck in my arm. Plus, I reached another goal today, and got tickets to Alamo Draft House and a card for food while I'm there. When I started donating blood and platelets, I just did it because I wanted to, and that is still why I do it, but an occasional gimme is fun too. I had another great surprise this evening while I was watching the friend Deb (of Deb and Jay) called and we talked and gossiped for 45 minutes. Deb and Jay moved to Vancouver, Washington, and we all miss them, and it was great to talk with her. Oh yeah, Dick and Marge and I booked our cruise tickets today, we are cruising on February 9th out of Galveston. I've done that same cruise at least twice before, but it is just fun to do it. Especially after I find the self serve soft ice cream machine! Come and go with us! Mike is going with me, and it will be a lot of fun! 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 263/103, 2024 - Thursday

Well, well,'s Thursday, one of my favorite days of the week. I have seven favorite days of the week, but Thursday is one of my most favorites. My favoritist. It is just one more day until Friday, and that is really one of my favorites. There is nothing wrong with Thursday, but it's not Friday. Saturday is good too, but Sunday is towards the bottom. As far as Thursday's go, this one was pretty good. A good walk this morning, then some cereal, then off to the office. It has been slow in the office, it is that time of year for real estate stuff. I left the office about 1:30, and had no stops, and I had a 4 o'clock appointment at the house. All went well. Tomorrow will be an extra good day, I will be donating platelets, and I like doing that very much. I am not sure if that is creepy or not, but I like doing it. I don't have a lot of plans for the weekend, but there are five estate sales, and that is always interesting. This morning, after walking and feeding the girls, I trimmed some vines around the front patio, and now it actually looks less like Grey Gardens, and more like the Curious House. I have been craving catfish from Taylor lately, and I think I might fix that craving in the next week or so. Anybody want to go eat catfish?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 262/104, 2024 - Wednesday

It's hump day, again. Paul did not walk this morning, so that gave me an excuse to bail. I used the extra time to get some stuff done, and to take a little nap before heading in to the office. It was a slow office day, and I headed home at about 1:30. No stops along the way, and I took advantage of the quiet time to take another nap. The full moon last night was great, but the partial eclipse was partial indeed. I kept going outside to look, and I was burdened by clouds or just the inability to take a decent photo with my cell phone. Do you think the photo accompanying this journal entry is a contradictory statement? I do. A stack of lemon oreos and a Diet Coke. Of course. It's kind of a negative and a positive equalling zero. But no, it doesn't really. It's still hot, and the television prognosticators are predicting a changing fall weather pattern. The first day of fall is on Sunday, but I think it will still be hot. No signs of any substantial rain in the forecast, ugh. Just more reason for everybody to be cranky, although it doesn't take too much for me to go full crazy!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 261/105, 2024 - Tuesday

Paul and James and I walked this morning, but we did not have a ROMEO breakfast. I have been hungry all day. THe timer for my salmon is going to go off in about 5 minutes, so I have to make this journal entry kind of quick. All was good today, for the most part. I am conflicted...I got a notice from the girls vet that they needed a couple boosters in October. I called them to make an appointment for Saturday, October 12th, and they said they are no longer open on Saturdays. OMG. Not everyone is available to do everything during the week, although, honestly, I am, it is just something that I don't think is good. People need to take their pets to the vet on Saturdays. I get being closed on Sunday...but not Saturday. I made it to my 2:30 appointment, and along the way, I saw something I was not expecting. The photo accompanying this entry is the SRI SHIRDI SAI BABA TEMPLE of Austin. Beautiful! I believe I knew in the back of my pea brain that there was a facility in Leander, but these buildings are new since the last time I was there. Again, beautiful, and maybe tomorrow I will highlight some details of the facade. Exquisite! My 4 o'clock appointment called and rescheduled for Thursday afternoon, so I got an extra hour for myself. I am being just a little sluggish today after my Covid vaccine and flu shot yesterday, it is time for me to eat my dinner and sit in my big chair.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 260/106, 2024 - Monday

Well, it is Monday, and as far as favorite days are concerned, it is not in the top five of my favorite days. Nothing terrible happened, it's just that there are four more days before the weekend. Paul and I had a nce walk this morning, and then it was off to the office after feeding the girls and myself. I made an appointment for my latest Covid vaccine and my annual flu shot. The 65+ flu shot. According to the paperwork, the Covid vaccine cost $198.99 and the flu shot cost $114.99. $313.98 for the two shots, and my receipt shows $0.00. Finally getting a return on my Social Security. Or something, not sure what. In a couple weeks, I will go in for the RSV shot, and in September, 2028, I will get the PrevNar 20 pneumonia shot. It is on my calendar. I did not really even feel the two shots (in the same are), and my are is really not sore...if I didn't know I had two shots in the same arm, I would not even be paying any attention to it. There seems to be some controversy about when the full moon is...Mrs. Google says it is tomorrow, but the local news (this morning) said it was today. I am going with Mrs. Google. It is also supposed to be a partial eclipse, and I need to pay attention to that. Tomorrow is ROMEO breakfast day, then I have a 2:30 appointment and a 4 o'clock appointment. Not too bad.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 259/107, 2024 - Sunday

I had very few things on my chore list to get accomplished today, but I got it all done, and some extra stuff, too. After my walk with Paul, I fed the girls, had some cereal, watched a bit of Sunday Morning, and then had a burst of energy and trimmed back the morning glories in the back yard. It was apparently not a great day for photographing (documenting) my day, and this is the best I could do. Before I trimmed it back, you could not see the stone column, and about six feet of the fence was covered with morning glory vines. I am happy with the way I actually got it done, pretty much the way I planned it, too. After that, Marian and I decided to hit a couple of the estate sales we were at yesterday, and I had time to make a run to HEB before that. SO...I have food in the refrigerator, enough ice cream to last me two or three days, and I am pretty sure I will not starve in the near future. I have seven minutes left of the book I am listening to, and then I will search for a new one to start. For the rest of this evening, I will sit in front of the television with the girls, and watch the Emmys. I don't watch too much broadcast tv, but I might recognize a few of the nominees and maybe even some of the winners. Maybe.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 258/108, 2024 - Saturday

I was wakened at 5:07AM by some red and blue flashing lights. I got up and opened the blinds, and I could see a cop car on the Parkway, and a couple people, but my curiosity was not enough to keep me out of the bed. I went back to bed, and a few minutes later, the lights were off and I assume the car was gone. I have no idea what was going on, and another curious thing is, there have not been any old ladies on Nextdoor exclaiming about attempted car thefts or break-ins. No telling, maybe there will be something in the next couple days. I had a nice walk with Paul this morning, and the accompanying photo is about the mid-point of our walk. Very nice. After the walk, I went down for a little nap, and then I went to four estate sales with Pam, Diane and Marian. They were not exciting, but I did spend about $20. There is a chance I may go back tomorrow and see what is left at half-off prices. After returning home from the sales, I ate some pizza, and went back down for naps. The girls and I were pretty much slugs for the rest of the day. I think football season has started, and I am already tired of it, it totally interferes with my television viewing, and even I can only watch so much television about murders and Nazis. Ugh.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 257/109, 2024 - Friday

It seems to be the cost of everyday things that surprises me most. I know I have mentioned this before, but I ordered a pizza and some cheese bread this afternoon, and I did tip the guy, and it was $40. Granted that is going to be a minimum of three meals and a snack or two, and you can't really go anywhere these days and have a meal for $13.50 or so, so I guess I just need to shut up. Maybe I will, but it is still kind of a surprise. If you ask the girls, they will tell you it was a totally outrageous expense, but that is only because I did not offer them any of it. I continue to explain to them that, they never offer to share their food with me, so... I had a leisurely morning after my walk with Paul, and I got in to the office about 10 o'clock. It was the end of a not-so-bad week, and that was nice. Carrie and I went on a tour of three or four of her properties, and we even checked out a couple of mine. Mission accomplished. I threatened to stop for fast food on the way home, but I opted for slow food and I timed the delivery so I would be eating about the same time as the girls. I am pretty well done for the day, looking forward to estate sales tomorrow, and doing a few chores around the Curious House. I really need to vacuum, but I don't want to get too crazy. That notion will likely pass before too long. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 256/110, 2024 - Thursday

It was a nice walk this morning with Paul, there were lots of pups along the way that recognize me, and they get rewarded with treats. It's a great way to get to know folks in the neighborhood. I can sometimes remember the dogs names, but seldom the neighbors names. I never have been good at remembering peoples names. I got in to the office at about 9:30, and today was the day we process funds to our Landlords. We got that done by mid-day, and I took off about 1:30. I took kind of a long way home, by way of the McDonald's on North Lamar. I did not have to make any other stops along the way, and I made it home with no issues. Do you remember when checking the mail was kind of fun, because you usually got something interesting? I would say that 95% of the mail I get on a daily basis goes right into the shredder. It's kind of a disappointment. I did take a short nap when I got home, and I went down to Jimmie and Linda's to watch Only Murders in the Building, and then we played a couple games of Rummikub, I don't think I have won a single game, but it is fun and quick. I am thinking tomorrow will be a quiet day, and then I will be happy to enjoy the weekend. Except for the heat and humidity part. There are estate sales on Saturday, and maybe a brunch or dinner thrown in. It will all be good.