For all practical purposes, this was a typical Monday. A typical Monday, in a string of about 3,744 other typical Mondays. Nothing particularly exciting happened, and nothing particularly disheartening happened, either. Just a day, a typical day in a series of typical days. There have been just about exactly 26,558 days in my life, most of them have been typical. Not that there is anything wrong with that. We had a nice walk this morning, there was just a little trace of precipitation for part of the walk, nothing that got us wet, nothing that got the streets wet, nothing that made a difference, rain wise. Then it was off to one of my favorite places, UFCU. That is sarcasm, in case you don't really know me, but just like to read this journal. Sarcasm is one of my talents, sarcasm and profanity. That is NOT sarcasm. As I was walking in to the branch, I realized that I had forgotten to put my wallet in my pocket. Never fear, they saw me in the parking lot and had my account stuff pulled up before I walked in at 9:01AM. I got that stuff done, and headed in to the office. A nice typical day in the office, and I came home in a typical manner. Just a typical day. And now, I am getting ready to watch a typical Monday night of television. But first, this little bluebonnet is a survivor. It is making a great statement in a harsh environment next to our cluster mail box. It is definitely a survivor.
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