Okay, it is Friday, my third favorite day of the week. We had a nice walk this morning, and then I had a relaxing time getting ready to go in to the office. I did what needed to be done, and headed home in time for a nap before I took the girls to the vet for their annual check-ups. Shots, ear hair plucking (?!?), all kinds of check ups, another six month supply of their monthly pills. They both survived, and they are both a little bit lethargic right now. I think the shots do that to them, I know I get lethargic when I get a shot. We got a little sprinkle of rain this afternoon, 0.05" in the gauge. There is rain predicted for the next ten days, with a chance of a couple inches. That would be nice. Tomorrow there are three estate sales, and that is always fun. I also want to do a little bit of organizing in the garage. It seems like I organize the garage a lot, but that is mainly because I have a habit of just putting stuff down where ever there is an empty space. Whatever.
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