When Margaret came in to the office today, she questioned why I was there, when there was an estate sale going on a few blocks down the street. Well, when it was time to go, I headed to the sale. In the process of spending $4, I recognized this tall guy looking around. I asked if I should know him, and he said probably not, but I did recognize him. Spencer Cronk, former City Manager of Austin. I don't usually include last names, but he qualifies as a person that locals are familiar with, so shut up. He was fired because of his perceived poor response to a winter ice storm in Austin a couple years ago. I cannot vote in Austin, but I have opinions, and my opinion is that he was a scape goat and a tool for the Mayor, City Council and other officials to be distracted from the real problems THEY created. I shared with him that I had been fired from EVERY job I ever had, and it always worked out to my advantage. He said he was doing fine, he lived in the neighborhood, and he agreed to let the creepy guy take an ussie with him. Nice man. I had already determined that I was going to stop at another estate sale in Northwest Hills, so that was fun. Tomorrow, there are seven sales for us to hit, and we need to get a good nights sleep to be ready. Today started with a nice walk, I got some stuff done in the office, and I've already had my dinner. Dessert is in the refrigerator, and that is my next move. Most likely going to get some rain beginning late tomorrow afternoon. It should all be over by early Sunday morning, and we have a chance to get a couple inches of rain. Fingers crossed.
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