Friday, March 22, 2019

2019 - Day 81/284 - Friday...Langue...

It's dark, but I am home. It was a really great TAR 360 event today in Lubbock. It is only the second time I have been to Lubbock, and there could really not be a nicer place than that. All the people I met were gracious and kind, there is NO TRAFFIC (how is that possible), and everything about the place was delightful. The first time I was there, I mentioned (and have repeated) that it was kind of like the Twilight Zone, and it still is. How can a place be that nice with all the crap that is going on all around the world. It seems they have just chosen not to pay too much attention to all the meanness, and have chosen to take a higher path! Wonderful. The event today was held at the Texas Tech Red Raider Stadium, and it is a beautiful facility. I did not know a whole city could get the memo about wearing their school colors all on the same day, but they got it done.


Langue -- Noun. language viewed abstractly as a system of forms and conventions used for communication. "...the speakers share a common langue...and they are achieving communication by imparting something in common." Julie Tetel Andresen, Linguistics and Evolution, 2014

Did You Know? In lectures delivered at the University of Geneva from 1907 to 1913, Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure set forth his groundbreaking distinction between langue - the systematic, structured language existing at a given time within a given society - and parole, the individual use of that language by a person. In French, langue literally means "language." It was adopted into Middle English with that same general meaning but fell into disuse. Parole is also a French word; it means "speech" and is related to the Late Latin parabola, the base of our English word parable.

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