Another long and productive day. This is the part that I put in the obligatory part about the time change and the time zone differences, and that my advanced age causes me to adjust to change more slowly that I remember doing in the past. I got in a couple good walks, finally had dinner (I was feeling food deprived), and attended three or four good forums, committee meetings and council meetings. Not necessarily in chronological order. Between the last meeting and the dinner, we went to the top floor of the hotel to a lounge they call 'The View.' There may well be a view, but it has been kind of foggy all day, so by the time we got there, there wasn't much of one. But I liked the place, I will try and go back tomorrow (or at least before I leave), and try to see the view another time. But, in the mean time, this was an interesting piece of art on the wall on the way to the elevator.
Grisly -- Adjective. 1. inspiring horror or intense fear. 2. inspiring disgust or distaste. The movie's preview contained enough
grisly scenes to make me certain I didn't want to see it.
Did You Know? An angry grizzly bear could certainly inspire fear, so grizzly must be a variant of
grisly, right? Yes and no. The adjective
grisly is indeed sometimes spelled grizzly, but the grizzly in grizzly bear is a different animal altogether.
Grisly derives from an old English verb meaning "to fear." Grizzly comes from the Middle English adjective grisel, meaning "gray." Like its close relative grizzled, this grizzly means "sprinkled or streaked with gray." In other words, the grizzly bear got its name because the hairs of its brownish coat usually have silver or pale tips, creating a grizzled effect, not because it causes terror.
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