Oops! He got his days mixed up...I do much of these entries in advance...I have them socked away up through December 22nd at the moment. Last night, when I was supposed to be posting Day 329, I posted Day 339 in error. I think it sucks that no one noticed the error. What is worse is that maybe no one is reading! That would probably NOT be the worst thing. It is at about this time of every year that I start questioning as to whether or not I will continue this journal after the end of the year. When I push the 'Publish' button later this evening, it will be the 3,980th post. That is almost 11 years of posting this journal on a daily basis, save for a day or two. I am still undecided, but I am also too compulsive to quit. I have too many quirks to stop, but that is yet to be seen. That was not to be the topic of this post either...I went to look at property to put on the market this morning; a main house, a cabin and a ruin. I was most intrigued by the ruin. It is definitely an open floor plan, and I think it is a really cool place!
Deopnosophist -- Noun. a person skilled in table talk. Mary knew that many of Janine and Frank's friends were
deipnosophists, so there would be much jubilant conversation to be had at their upcoming party.
Did You Know? Next time you are at a dinner party, you might want to try working
deipnosophist into the conversation (or maybe not) to impress the other guests with your sparkling vocabulary. When they ask where the term comes from, you can explain that it comes from Deipmosphistai, the title of a 15-volume work written by Green grammarian Athenaeus in the 3rd century. The seipnosophists of Athenaeus are learned banquet guests whose table talk, presented as a series of lengthy quotations from about 800 authors, covers subjects from poetry and grammar to food and philosophy. The work's title is the plural of the greek deipnosophistes, itseld a combination of deipnon (meaning 'Meal") and spphistes (meaning "wise man" or "sophist").
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