Quite often, it is the dumbest things I get accomplished that make me feel accomplished, especially on the weekends. For at least the last two years, maybe three, the thermostat on the den side of the house could not be set at a higher heat temperature than 70 degrees. We have two thermostats. Ons controls the guest bedrooms and the den, and the other controls the master bedroom and bath side of the house. There are vents controlled by both units that heat and cool the public areas of the house, the areas that have the high ceilings like the living, dining and kitchen areas. The master bedroom side worked wonderfully and we could stay toasty warm all the time, the other side would only go up to 70 degrees. This caused the areas with the really high ceilings to be cooler than the other parts of the house. Today, Jody said, 'you know the manual for the thermostat is in the office don't you?' Well, no I didn't, but after consulting the manual, I fixed it in about three minutes. UGH. Plus, I got a lot of this and that done, and worked in two or three naps along the way. Good grief...
Fructify -- Verb. 1. to bear fruit. 2. to make fruitful or productive. "After the war his business interests
fructified. He invested in canals...organized to extend the navigability of the Cape Fear River deep into the back country, and kept up his interest in land speculation." Bernard Bailyn,
Voyagers to the West, 1986
Did You Know? Fructify derives from the Middle English fructifien and ultimately from the Latin noun fructus, meaning "fruit." When the word was first used in English in the 14th century, it referred to the actions of plants that bore fruit; later it was used transitively to refer to the act of making something fruitful, such as soil. The word expanded to encompass a figurative sense of fruit, and it is now more frequently used to refer to the giving forth of something in profit from something else (such as dividends from an investment). Fructus also gave us usufruct, which is the legal right to enjoy the fruits or profits of something that belongs to someone else.
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