Almost done. One more meeting tomorrow, from about 8:30 til 11:30 in the morning, and then I will check out and travel home. If everything goes according to schedule, I will land tomorrow night at almost midnight. I will be glad to get home. The last thing tonight was a concert featuring Pentatonix.
Definition of pentatonic. Consisting of five tones specifically. Being or relating to a scale in which the tones are arranged like a major scale with the fourth and seventh tones omitted.Who knew? I didn't. I do not think I was even aware of this group until I was told they would be the performers at the REALTOR® concert. We went, did not stay for the entire concert, and it was good, but not really what I was interested in. Just in case you could not understand the words they were singing, all you had to do was turn around and follow along with the teleprompter!
Meritorious -- Adjective. worthy of reward, gratitude, honor, or esteem. For spearheading the effort to repair and maintain our playgrounds, Mrs. Grant received the town's annual Award for
Meritorious Service.
Did You Know? People who demonstrate
meritorious behavior certainly "earn" our respect, and you can use that fact to remember that
meritorious ultimately traces to the Latin verb merere, which means "to earn." Nowadays, the rewards earned for
meritorious acts are likely to be of an immaterial nature; gratitude, admiration, praise, etc. But that wasn't always so. The history of
meritorious suggests a reward more concrete in nature; money. The Latin word meritorius, an ancestor of the English
meritorious, literally means "bringing in money."
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