Thursday. This is the day that we are supposed to post photos from the past. So...you guys are getting a two-fer today. This is both the past and the present. Sandy's Hamburgers has been on the corner of Barton Springs Road and South First Street MUCH longer than I have lived here. They have really good soft-serve ice cream (not frozen custard, just soft serve) and really good hamburgers and all that stuff. It is the stuff of legends, not because it is really good or anything like that, but just because they have been here so long and everybody has a story about going there after this or before that. So, they have specials on Thursday and Saturdays, and we took the bait. Three cheeseburger combos, and instead of the medium Dr Pepper's (there is no period after the r in Dr), we got lemonade, a choclolate shake and a root beer shake. You can use your best intuitive skills to try and figure out what mine was.
Ripsnorter -- Noun. something extraordinary: humdinger. The weekend music festival is expected to be a
ripsnorter, with up-and-coming artists of different genres packing the stage for three days.
Did You Know? English speakers of the mid-19th century already had the term snorter at their disposal if they wanted a colorful term for something extraordinary, but that didn't stop speakers in the United States from throwing the very rip onto the front of the word to create
ripsnorter. And they didn't stop there: By the time the 20th century had reached its quarter mark, U.S. speakers had added hummer, humdinger (probably an alteration of hummer), pip (from pippin, a kind of crisp, tart apple and a term for a highly admirable person or thing), and doozy (thought to be an alteration of daisy) to the catalog of words for the striking or extraordinary.
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