Global Village -- Noun. the world viewed as a community in which distance and isolation have been dramatically reduced by electronic media (such as television and the Internet). Thanks to crowdfunding and the generous response of the global village, the couple received enough donations to pay their sick daughter's medical bills.
Did You Know? The term global village is closely associated with Herbert Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian communications theorist and literature professor hailed by many as a prophet for the 20th century. McLuhan's mantra, "the medium is the message," summarized his view of the influence of television, computers, and other electronic information sources in shaping society and modern life. By 1960, he had delineated his concept of the global village, and by 1970, the public had embraced the term and recognized the idea as both exhilarating and frightening. As a 1970 Saturday Review article noted, "There are no boundaries in a global village. All problems will become so intimate as to be one's own." I frequently use the term "Marshall McLuhan, what are you doin?" I quote from a segment on Laugh In I watched, back in the day.
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